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January 27, 2009



I like the music, but do you have to sound so pretentious?
You sound like a pitchfork critic with three times the liberal-arts degree.

john proctor

yeah, brian, can't you dumb it down for all of us people who are scared of intelligence? hell, i don't even know what "pretenshus" is, but i know i don't like it!

Q Zeller

The 1st poster links to Al DiMeola, clearly unhappy Pitchfork aint reviewing his records.


It's [literally] meaningless post-modern "reference" spew like what you find in the Village Voice these days. I don't like the music, but anyway the first guy was only speaking the truth.

a.m. schmitz

man sound like your fans are like rabid dogs..biting at the modern spew...woo wee thems there is fighting words.

Jason Grote

Yeah, man! I'm so unpretentious I don't even like to use language. I want all my music reviews in grunts and moans.


is that a pic of rowlf? i like him...

houston piano lessons

Man sound like your fans are like rabid dogs..biting at the modern spew...woo wee thems there is fighting words.

dan c.

Too bad Pitchfork or the Voice wouldnt care enough to actually scratch beneath the surface to review records like this, which is why I read the FMU blog.


Sheesh... I really enjoy these posts and they're one of the few places where I can read about music I've never heard and actually come away with a good idea of what it sounds like. Mostly because of all the references some folks are complaining about.

But maybe I'm just a pretentious, liberal-arts-degree-having wanker.

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