Pesky WFMU playlist termites The Bran Flakes have launched a new animated video ("What It's All About") in conjunction with the February 24 release of their album, I Have Hands (Illegal Art).
Animation by TBF's Sir Mildred Pitt. Shouts to fellow Flake Otis Fodder, who quit smoking last Friday "after 25+ years of a pack every day or two."
"Right now I am tettering on the edge of sanity," Otis reports. "It's been 72 hours and my smoking days are over. Yes yes. But where shall I go? Maybe smoking was my talent. Shoot me."
Ahh...brings to mind the good old days of Negativland and the ECC. Thanks for the link!
Posted by: Michael | January 14, 2009 at 11:25 AM
I love this video.
Posted by: Jim | January 15, 2009 at 01:19 AM