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January 29, 2009


John L

What is the story with Henry Lewis? I hear him MC inbetween segments of Prairie Home Companion. He is personable but I am guessing way beyond his glory days. Is he an old NYC radio landmark? A WNYC landmark?

Debbie D

Sadly, I don't know the story about Henry. He's been at WNYC for many years. He also MCs the Danny Stiles Music Museum which is where I hear him every week. Can anyone fill in the blanks here?


Can't 'FMU staffers like Rex or Irene fill in that tidbit? They work there, don't they?

John L

Or Rob W...

John L

Or Bronwyn or Meredith, who've worked there at times.


If I could just bring this back to the matter at hand (and repeat what I said elsewhere) - I'm really disappointed at the news about Chris Reilly. I loved hearing him on WINS, and would always keep that station on a little longer when he was on. That promo reel is amazing - I'm used to him speaking a little more slowly.

Off the top of my head I think that leaves Cameron Swayze and recent arrival Steve Knight, both on WCBS, as the main contenders for Deepest Voice On A Newsradio Station in NYC, although Swayze's voice has a kind of breezy quality to it that I think mitigates its depth somewhat (but don't get me wrong, I enjoy listening to him). And frankly Steve Knight comes across a little too Ted Baxterish for my taste. If Greg Jensen hadn't gone up to Boston he'd be on the list for sure, but even he doesn't reach those Reillyan depths. Here's hoping he turns up soon on the radio again.

Evan "Funk" Davies
Newsradio nerd

Debbie D

I'd like to change the name of this post to "Reillyan Depths"

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