"I have sought to enlist the harmony of metrical language, the ethereal combinations of the fancy, the rapid and subtle transitions of human passion, all those elements which essentially compose a Poem, in the cause of a liberal and comprehensive morality..." - Shelly
With romance in mind and in the air, let us break bread, pour some wine, and listen to some readings of Percy Bysshe Shelly, as performed by Vincent Price on the Caedmon lp TC 1059, Poems of Shelly.
Here is the front cover, and a bonus picture of Vinnie P, for this St. Valentine's Day evening.
The MP3's : Music, When Soft Voices Die
Oh, this is too fucking cool.
Posted by: Michael | February 14, 2009 at 04:45 PM
Fantastic! could you upload the rest of the album? Those old Caedmon records are brilliant and this is one of the best.
Posted by: mike | February 16, 2009 at 03:02 AM