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March 16, 2009



The answer is higher taxes on the wealthy. Next problem?


Are you guys planning on offering this as a podcast?


I gotta say, I listened in on this show last night, and was very impressed.

Please podcast this.


Just read the article and was blown away by the sweep of ideas from Rushkoff. Just like anyone else these days, I've been brought low by the crash - first, losing my job in advertising (talk about using fake currency, right?) and then losing my home in L.A.
I now live in a small apartment in Oakland, take what freelance writing assignments I may and do a lot of volunteerism helping the homeless and hungry. The recent turn of events may not have been a wake-up call for everyone, but brother, they sure were for me. Thanks for shining a light in the darkness...

Michael Chagnon

I second the podcasting idea.

mark from helsinki

Ok... I get it, I get it. But isn't Random House a corporation?

"And I'm not being sarcastic."

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