When I started getting into oddio, my friend Benari sent me a link to the 365 Days Project. From there I found April Winchell. And FMU after that. And now I are riting for them! (And since I'm sucking up, thanks to Derek at Here It Wow for getting me here) April is where I first listened Little Markie and Little Marcy and cringed to Tiny Tot Calvin sing A Cowboy for Jesus. April is the person that first introduced me to the phrase "CAUTION CHILDREN SINGING". So let me thank her with not one christian child singing but a whole bunch of recently converted Korean christian children singing America The Beautiful with there adorable reversals of "r" and "l".
This comes off an album called Billy James Hargis' Korean Guys and Dolls. I can find no real discrenable reason for this title. Produced in 1970, It bears no relation whatsoever to to the stage show/movie. In fact, there's not a single show tune on the album. It's 60% hymns, 15% traditional Korean folks songs an 15% Americana.
Quick Quiz! Here's the track list for side two in no particular order. What I'm looking for is the last song on the album. Bonus points if you get everything in the right order
How Great Thou Art
America The Beautiful
Blessed Assurance
My Jesus Thou Wilt
Battle Hymn of the Republic
He Hideth My Soul
Down in the Valley
In the Garden
I'm so tempted to post the answer tomorrow but that seems horribly unfair. The answer is
Turns out, he kinda was.
Billy James Hargis (and here, I need to quote Benari in admitting that "google has replaced knowledge") not only helped establish the modern Religious Right movement (John Birch member, segregationist, MLK's a commies - ya know: old skool) but also laid the groundwork for one of its greatest leaders. That's right - Ted Haggard. A year or so after this album came out, Hargis found himself booted out of the college he founded for alledged sexual misconduct with both male and female students. Oh, and alledgedly with the youth choir he founded too. (SFX: Laughing trombone)
Hm. Maybe that's why he went with "Billy James Hargis' Korean Guys and Dolls". That makes the posessive use of Hargis in the title even creepier.
America The Beautiful Sung By Korean Children
Thanks, again, April.
Please post the entire album. Please please please please please.
Posted by: Andrew | April 01, 2009 at 09:59 PM
This is the creepiest thing I've ever heard. The sounds of sexually molested children forced to love Jesus and America.
Posted by: Kevin | April 02, 2009 at 12:56 AM
Andrew, I thought about posting the whole thing but thought you were one please short. ;-) Then my wife hit me upside the head. I'll put the whole thing up next week, then.
Kevin, I don't think Shakespeare could have said it better!
Posted by: Paul | April 02, 2009 at 02:17 AM
To think that I had some small part in this course of events is deeply satisfying.
Posted by: April Winchell | April 02, 2009 at 06:18 PM
Cup of Jesus is the theme song of Billy Bob Neck's Hour of Bein' Good. I can't thank you enough.
Posted by: Paul | April 02, 2009 at 08:21 PM
First of all, Ted Haggard is much more recent than BJH, thus H does not follow in his footsteps. Hargis is really old news.
Second, you seem to be making fun of the children. Hargis, sure. Children, no. What is wrong with you people? Why are children so "weird"? Never had any? Never were one?
Posted by: Beverly Seaton | April 02, 2009 at 08:51 PM
Beverly - you're right, I screwed up on the order and I corrected it. Thanks!
Second - I have not now, nor have I ever been a child. Thus, I am soulless.
Posted by: Hbee | April 02, 2009 at 09:05 PM
April Winchell is responsible for MANY hours of my life wasted...and I thank her profusely for it! She's found some incredibly weird stuff, and she's been gracious enough to share it with all us reprobates. My only wish is that she were somehow better utilized by the Media World than just cows!
Posted by: Jeff Jobson | April 02, 2009 at 10:20 PM
Good thing for you there's no such thing as hell. Too bad you have to spend the rest of your life with your personality.
Posted by: Simon Ashlock | April 03, 2009 at 02:42 AM
Aprils website has been a place of pleasure for me for a good while. The mp3 vault has left me speechless on more occasions than I can remember and frightened many an innocent Brit!Especially when downloads end up as a ringtone."Tell me why doesn't Daddy come home" silenced a whole train of locals not too long ago!
Keep it going April!
Posted by: Colin The Culture Hunter | April 03, 2009 at 12:17 PM
April W on her chicken-song collection:"I don't know why, okay?" I am going to have this translated into Latin and put on my family crest.
Posted by: Parq | April 04, 2009 at 02:30 PM
April changed my life. Before I was a mild mannered janitor, now I am not only Hong Kong Phooey but I channel Little Markie for fun. Her Christmas MP3 are a thing of wonder and enjoy regular outings every year. God Bless America and God Bless April and all who sail in her.
Posted by: Dave Sprout | April 04, 2009 at 03:21 PM
Simon, you have no idea of how badly it will suck.
FYI - The whole album goes up on Tuesday around 9pm EDT.
Since I'm going to Hell, I'm more than willing to deliver any letters to non-Raptured loved ones.
Posted by: Paul | April 06, 2009 at 01:07 AM