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March 17, 2009



Your cookies sound too delicious to pass up. I'll be making some after a few trips to the grocery store, damn you.

Nick the Bard

What do you mean "Couldn't fit in anything else"? Press drained pineapple, make the "or" an "and" on the nuts, cashews, cranberries, ginger, cinnamon, um, turkey, papaya, Pop Rocks, and then theres the icing glaze made out of powdered sugar, root beer, assorted color sugar, and then top it off with a sliver of maraschino cherry.


good if you don't really want to make up your mind what kind of cookie you want...all of them!


Yum that looks great - I will definitely try that, I love Pecans! James x

Kathena Bryant

Yummy!!! Will you send me some of these groovy sounding cookies right now!

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