Give the Drummer Some's
10 Favorite Downloads from the MP3 Blogosphere
(see Comments, below, for helpful info about downloading)
The tanking economy claimed another victim last week as your humble miner got laid off from his day job. Yes, the army of the unemployed just called up another reserve, and he's ready serve with, um, dignity. Losing that zippy T-1 connection at work, but gaining a heightened appreciation for the "free" aspect of free album downloads, this column vows to continue to serving up piping hot links to the most pleasurable platters the music blogs have to offer. Fries sold separately.
The Glory of This Human's Voice
Jeanne Lee & Ran Blake ~ "Free Standards"
(Blog: I Forgot Clifford)
Brazilian Mamas & Acid Papas
Quarteto Nova Era ~ "Apolo"
From the album: De Repente (mp3)
(Blog: Brazilian Nuggets)
Spacefunk Electronica Does Basque Folklore
William S. Fischer ~ "Akelarre"
(Blog: Vinyl 4 Giants)
[7 more blue-plate specials after the jump]
Ground Zero of the Pinoy Rock Movement
Juan de la Cruz ~ "Himig Natin"
(Blog: Lajso Sound Ltd.)
"These Electric Guitars, They Got Them Queer Sounds..."
Howlin' Wolf ~ "This Is Howlin' Wolf's New Album"
(Blog: Swan Fungus)
The Bearable Sadness
Morita Doji ~ "Mother Sky"
From the album: He Weeped for Me (mp3)
(Blog: Earls Psychedelic Garden)
Latin Funk via Les Discotheques du Paris
Ben & Platano Group ~ "Paris Soul"
(Blog: It's Coming Out of Your Speaker)
Soul Diva Serves Wisdom
Maxine Weldon ~ "Alone on My Own"
From the album: Someone Loves You Honey (mp3)
(Blog: My Jazz World)
Hurtle Down These Tracks
Rahul Dev Berman ~ "The Burning Train" (soundtrack)
(Blog: Music From the Third Floor)
Name a Badder Melodica Player
Augustus Pablo ~ "This Is Augustus Pablo"
(Blog: Mulambada)
Listen for music from these and other incredible finds on
Give the Drummer Some, Fridays on WFMU, 9 to Noon (ET).
Check out every installment of Mining the Audio Motherlode
A brief note about Mining the Audio Motherlode: The main focus here will be on posts of rare and out-of-print recordings, but the blogs themselves are responsible for the content they are providing.
A few helpful words about the downloads:
Follow the links provided to blog pages offering the downloads. Look for the download link on the page. (Occasionally, the link is listed in the Comments section. Also, if the original download link is no longer active, check further down in the string of comments; a new download link may be posted there.)
Some downloads deposit a folder on your desktop; others leave an rar. file, which needs to be opened using special software. This software is FREE and available online. (If you use a Mac, I highly recommend UnRarx.)
Some blogs provide passwords, which then must be entered when opening the rar. file. The password is typically listed right next to the original download link.
Be sure to search the archived pages at each individual blogs to find more musical gems. Also, check the blog rolls at each blog for leads to other great blogs.
Searching for a specific artist or album? Use Google's BlogSearch or try Captain Crawl.
Posted by: Doug Schulkind | March 25, 2009 at 12:01 PM
TOO bad the Howling wolf album get an error when trying to DL
Posted by: Sister Hairy Hymen | March 25, 2009 at 06:36 PM
Thanks for your helpful words on downloads, Doug. And I haven't used Captain Crawl before and it's fantastic! Thanks again. :)
Posted by: wow gold | March 25, 2009 at 08:58 PM
The blog posting of the Howlin' Wolf record I originally linked to was quashed. A new blog with a working DL (Megaupload) has been inserted above.
Posted by: Doug Schulkind | March 25, 2009 at 10:27 PM
sorry to hear about the layoff doug - thnx again for digital awesomeness
Posted by: holland_oats | March 26, 2009 at 08:17 AM
...capcrawl interface really nice btw - and a firefox searchbar plugin, mmmm!
Posted by: holland_oats | March 26, 2009 at 08:36 AM
Nice stuff as usual.
Here's my two cents
Kool Elektro Kraut
Best cover ever...calypso collection
Posted by: Icastico | March 26, 2009 at 08:14 PM
The Charmer on the "Don't touch me Tomato" calypso collection is none other than Louis Farrakhan
Posted by: Icastico | March 26, 2009 at 08:20 PM
Sorry to hear about your job troubles-- as you know you are climbing aboard a VERY crowded train! I appreciate you keeping up the good work (what else can we do???).
Posted by: Mindwrecker | March 27, 2009 at 03:47 PM