Ran across this oddity the other day, 1973's film version of Orfeo 9, a rock opera by Tito Schipa Jr. and Bill Conti, who now conducts at Academy Awards shows these days. The opera's stage debut was in 1970 and was Schipa's first successful work, although he had previously released a rock-operacized medley of Bob Dylan songs. Reissues of the CD are in print, but I can't seem to find the film anywhere. Then again, I'm not so skilled at searching through Italian sites for leads. A man's gotta know his limitations. But take this consolation, a 9 minute long clip with some very nice selections. More selections are available here.
Info about Tito Schipa Jr. and his products:
Thank you for your interest!
Elena Landi
Tito Schipa Webstaff
Posted by: Elena Landi | March 26, 2009 at 09:34 PM
My mother was a child in Italy around summer of 1938. She played with one of the girls. My mother's name was Genevieve Manset. They rented the house in Fregene next to yours. She rode horses with you. If any info please contact me. My mother is still very much alive.
annette annable
[email protected]
Posted by: annette | July 28, 2009 at 08:13 PM