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April 18, 2009



Karate Jaws . . . Er, G-I Hoe?

Jim Flannery

Blessyou O Wrecker of Minds. One of these is sure to demolish a mix tape in my near future.


Thanks, Jim. And, yes, Jaylefus- the answer to my not-so-tough quiz was GI Ho--er--Joe.When I first heard the record and made the connection to "Karate-Grip" Joe it tickled me- I love all of the 1970's-era Joe features, Lifelike Hair, Karate Grip, Psycho-Neurotic Symptom-Joe...


Okra is a euphemism for what now?

will rodgers

You can see them on some classic Sanford and Son episodes!

Editor B

I'm enthralled to hear this. Many years ago a friend of mine unearthed an 8-track tape by "Leroy, Skillet & Lawanda" at a local thrift. I'd never seen an 8-track designated with an X-rating before. The routine called "Slack Jawed Leroy" was truly incredible, an encounter between a streetwalker and john, in rhymed couplets yet, with situations and audience reactions that made you wonder what they were actually doing on that stage. Wow. I've been looking for that one for years. I'd pay money for it. It was that good -- well, "good" isn't exactly the right word. But I think you know what I mean.

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