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May 06, 2009


Doug Schulkind

A brief note about Mining the Audio Motherlode: The main focus here will be on
posts of rare and out-of-print recordings, but the blogs themselves are responsible
for the content they are providing.

A few helpful words about the downloads:
Follow the links provided to blog pages offering the downloads. Look for the download link on the page. (Occasionally, the link is listed in the Comments section. Also, if the original download link is no longer active, check further down in the string of comments; a new download link may be posted there.)

Some downloads deposit a folder on your desktop; others leave an rar. file, which needs to be opened using special software. This software is FREE and available online. (If you use a Mac, I highly recommend UnRarx.)

Some blogs provide passwords, which then must be entered when opening the rar. file. The password is typically listed right next to the original download link.

Be sure to search the archived pages at each individual blogs to find more musical gems. Also, check the blog rolls at each blog for leads to other great blogs.

Searching for a specific artist or album? Use Google's BlogSearch or the terrific music blog search engine Captain Crawl.


The Tooter Boatman link goes to the Peter Bellamy page.

Doug Schulkind

The Tooter link has been fixed.

Goyim in the AM

I frown unhappily whenever I encounter a Rapidshare link. Is giving them money worthwhile, or are there other (wink, wink) alternatives?

Doug Schulkind

G in the A,
Just use the FREE USER option when downloading via Rapidshare. It makes you wait a minute and limits your number of DLs within a set period of time, but it's still free. —Doug


The Seigen Ono entry doesn't seem to have any way of downloading the music...

Doug Schulkind

There IS a link for the Seigen Ono album. Look toward the bottom of the page, after the track information, there is a line: "Produced and Engineered by Seigen Ono." The name "Seigen Ono" is hypertext to the Rapidshare-hosted download. Click on SEIGEN ONO and away you go...

It is well worth the hunt to get this beauty.


Adam Gott

Keep it coming! Another great set.


the david peel link is INFESTED with pop-ups and viruses.

Doug Schulkind

I just grabbed the David Peel again (using Rapidshare) and had absolutely no problem.

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