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May 06, 2009



That second photo, the one with the No Trespassing sign, has an eerie resemblance to "Christina's World" by Andrew Wyeth (which is currently a giant billboard on the west side of MOMA, between 53rd & 54th facing 6th).


Holy shit woid! Thanks for pointing that out!

Vic Mantolay

There was a TV movie with a similar storyline in 1975, Sweet Hostage, with Martin Sheen and Linda Blair.


I'm from this part of Pennsylvania and have looked for years for this song. The best I could find was a YouTube clip. Thanks so much for this!


My grandmother's cousin was driving the school bus that Peggy Ann stepped off of that fateful day. This tale is one I've heard since I can remember. My grandparents owned the record, and my grandfather actually knew the mountain man.

John Gaughan

I am with the Shippensburg Historical Society and I book the speakers. I would like to have Mrs. Bradnick Jackson speak at one of our dinner meetings in the spring here in Shippensburg. She may reach me at [email protected] thank you

Jeannie Hess

Peggy Ann's sister Carol was my sister n law until her own death in 1997 so knowing the family, and the house they grew up in it is an amazing story!!

peggy ann hooper

i grew up there and i know the story well, heard about it all my life.i am happy mrs jackson was rescued safley,what a expernice to go heart also goes out to the family of the FBI agent. i agree with mrs jackson that mental illness was at fault.

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