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May 04, 2009



I sure hope all that info is replicated in the ID3 tags!


"Baltimore's Singing Taxidriver." I mean, I don't even know where to begin.


They are called Clarity Records, after all. They're not going to be obscure about it.


You spelled "favorites" incorrectly. It doesn't have an apostrophe.

Speaking of poor grammar, do you think maybe "Baltimore's Singing Taxidriver" (sic) is a title passed down from generation to generation? I mean, could there still be a singing taxi driver out there in Charm City, carrying on the work of his father and grandfather before him? And still incorrectly mashing the words "taxi" and "driver" together into one, to keep up the old tradition?

Scott Mercer

Holy crap, John Waters must own a copy of this. If not, he should. He should have this in his next film. Totally in his bailiwick.

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