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May 10, 2009


John McCabe

First thing we need to do is have a contest to see what WMFU stands for.

in other news I tried to get this news to my wife for a mothers day gift it was received with muted enthusiasm. she told me that's not a real gift I responded by saying your not my real mother we have not spoken since.


You gave up an opportunity to brand yourselves with "WXHD...EXTRA HARD!!" Tsk tsk.

Scott Mercer

Weird Music For the Universe.


Taking bets on how many flubbed legal IDs per day in the first month.


You've turned a perfectly good legal ID into an hourly tongue-twister.


Also, this

Tom "The Roll" Keiser

WMFU: We're Mildly F'd Up? Where Music Frenches Us? Where Music Follows U? Why Must Frequencies Undulate? We're Makin' Fuss Upstate? Weirdos Must Finally Unite? We're Making Fings Up?!

Sorry, I have a knack for this crap.


I'm going with 'Also, this' above "waste minimization facility upgrade." I can't top that.


W Mother F'in U. Right on.


WEXX Me Finds Underneath?

Have Ken explain...

Listener bkd

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Larry In Seattle

We Must Forget Upsala

Jay Thurber

This is the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. I think I may cry. :-)

Steve Barton

WSB Atlanta, GA W)elcome S)outh, B)rother

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