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June 10, 2009


Doug Schulkind

A brief note about Mining the Audio Motherlode: The main focus here will be on
posts of rare and out-of-print recordings, but the blogs themselves are responsible
for the content they are providing.

A few helpful words about the downloads:
Follow the links provided to blog pages offering the downloads. Look for the download link on the page. (Occasionally, the link is listed in the Comments section. Also, if the original download link is no longer active, check further down in the string of comments; a new download link may be posted there.)

Some downloads deposit a folder on your desktop; others leave an rar. file, which needs to be opened using special software. This software is FREE and available online. (If you use a Mac, I highly recommend UnRarx.)

Some blogs provide passwords, which then must be entered when opening the rar. file. The password is typically listed right next to the original download link.

Be sure to search the archived pages at each individual blogs to find more musical gems. Also, check the blog rolls at each blog for leads to other great blogs.

Searching for a specific artist or album? Use Google's BlogSearch or the terrific music blog search engine Captain Crawl.


My Two cents for the week.

More cool African posted this week than any in past memory (my picks):

Shameless self-promotion:


Listening to Joe Welch stiff-arm Tailgunner Joe while subtly carving him a new hole on live TV makes me wonder yet again why there don't seem to be any men or women like him around anymore--in government or outside of it.

Pluto of Pluto

Thanks for the polka!


Doug, what led you to find that Joe Welch clip? When Dick Cheney started with his defense of the Bush administration's enhanced interrogation policies a month or two ago, all I could think was "have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last," which led me to dredge up the Welch/McCarthy exchange on the internet. Just wondering if something similar might've brought Joe Welch to your mind.

Doug Schulkind

I arrived at the Welch clip via a bit of stream of consciousness. I was talking to my sister who lives in Berkeley. Berkeley always makes me think of the amazing "put your bodies on the gears" speech by Mario Savio there during the FSM movement 1964. I was looking for a clip of it on the Rhino box set Great Speeches (it's not on it) which always makes me think of Welch's verbal gallantry from a decade earlier. (It's not on the box set either, though I supposed you wouldn't call Welch's words a "speech" exactly.)

And hey, be careful. Using the words "Cheney" and "decency" in the same sentence may cause the earth to wobble off its axis.

Rich Fontana

Historians may consider the McCarthy-Welch exchange a pivotal point in turning public opinion against the Senator but it doesn't change the fact that Fisher WAS a member of the lawyers guild while at Harvard ''and for a period of months after.
The guild was not on the Attorney General's list of subversive groups,( no surprise here) but it had been cited as a ''Communist front'' by the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
Like detective Joe Friday (from Dragnet), "just the facts, ma'm, just the facts", McCarthy was simply pointing this important fact (which Mr. Welch already knew) for the American public.
Regardless, it didn't "scare" the career of Fred Fisher who went on to become a partner at the firm in 1958 and later organized its commercial law department. He also served as president of the Massachusetts Bar Association and as chairman of many committees of the American and Boston bar associations. He was a former trustee of the National Institute of Trial Advocacy and chairman of the Franklin N. Flaschner Foundation in Waban, Mass.


Joe McCarthy and Bill O'Reilly - separated at birth?

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