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« Tobie Lurie: Word Music | Main | Kramer »

June 15, 2009



oh crackers, the record fair is in 4 months. hope i have a new job by then......

Mr Fab

Yaaaaaaaay! Surf music on WFMU. Thanks, and will play in memory of the recently deceased Bob Bogle of the Ventures.

Bud Meyer

Jimmy's Party was a song written by Jack Herbst and recorded by the Nitecaps at Norman Petty's studio. This was the same studio where Buddy Holly recorded many of his hits. The song was supposed to have the Nitecaps as the recording artist, but came out as only Jack Herbst due to some breakdown in the recording contracts. The Nitecaps were a great band and were very popular in Colorado in the 60's. Side 1 was called "I didn't realize" and it was also a great song.

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