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July 12, 2009



I don't think these came out this week.


Keepin' your pimp hand strong, H8!

Zebtron A. Rama

yeah, Patsy Walker!

doomsday fartshadow

i wonder if that was the birth of leet angry robot named H8 (hate)


Can we submit hairdos for you, Kliph?

Lorna the Jungle Girl

Some history for the rubes:
Great page at:


teşekkürler canım.


Just try to move out of the way, or slowly react to it in a calm movement. If you see a bee or wasp inside, kill it with a fly swatter or rolled up newspaper.

Lawrence Wise (a.k.a. OSMOSIS)

Dan DeCarlo was THE MAN. He made women LOOK GOOD (well, FRANK FRAZETTA kinda is the KING in that department, but Mr. DeCarlo came pretty damn close, too.). He WAS "Betty, Veronica, Sabrina, Josie, Melody & Valarie's" 'DADDY'. Every comic book/graphic novel writer/artist only WISH they can draw like Mr. DeCarlo.
Alas, he's now gone down into Legend. And, what a legend it is.


Just try to move out of the way, or slowly react to it in a calm movement. If you see a bee or wasp inside, kill it with a fly swatter or rolled up newspaper.

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