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July 10, 2009


Listener Ralphine

Gestapistic? As in the Gestapo? I believe that you have coined a new adjective, even if I'm not sure what it means.

Larry In Seattle

You forgot to mention the FM translators for AM stations (not the various full power FM stations simulcasting or in some cases like WTOP in Washington D.C. or KIRO in Seattle, replacing their longtime AM radio frequencies with FM signals.) these are usually for smaller AM stations with graveyard or lousy nighttime AM signals. I don't think WFMU has anything to worry about because of it's non commercial spot on the dial (the bigger problems between 88-92 MHz are these religious radio bandwith hogs operating under names like "K-Love", "Air 1", "CSN" or "The Effect", etc....Sure would like to see something done about them by the new FCC chairman. But I doubt it.....)


Not really related (though sort of is), but I had to drive to the Buffalo area for a funeral last week. In the rush to pack we forgot the iPod doodad. The trip across Rte 17 (Future 86!) was unbearable - I heard enough "classic rock" (Foreigner, Rolling Stones, Journey), Country & Western (or what passes for it today) and religious broadcasting to last me a lifetime. WFMU, keep on making the dial an interesting place to visit. It's definitely worth what I can afford to donate each year.


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