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August 20, 2009



she is Jun Togawa,
and the song comes from her band "Yapoos" (2nd album).

BTW,puttin'up some asian content,and referrin' to it as something understandable(or,funny in connotational meaning),
you sounds so racial bigotry to us asian.


@kei: I did't think there was any racism implied. I don't understand it either but I like it - there's an interesting no wave feel to it. Thanks for the extra info...


I liked it as well. What's so hard to understand about it? Pretty basic music video, with better music than most. I liked the "crane" dance moves, very endearing.


I understand it. She's saying

Ching Chong Chinaman tried to milk a cow.
Ching Chong Chinaman didn't know how.
Ching Chong Chinaman pulled the wrong tit.
Ching Chong Chinaman got covered in shit.


What I love about this blog is checking out stuff I've never heard before, and then reading comments from folks who know exactly what it is. Cool song!

doug from DC

She went from being an idol singer to doing experimental music, name checked by Jim O'Rourke, working with Yoshihide Otomo, etc., and this vid makes sense in light of that. I'd like to hear something from her band Guernica.

milton parker

my favorite of all her projects is Guernica, but I love just about all of it: solo albums, Yapoos, her songs with Kiyohiko Senba and his Haniwa All Stars most of all

thanks for posting this, I had not seen it


Hey, I don't understand a word, but it's highly addictive in the best of ways. Thanks for sharing this. Obviously anyone working with Otomo Yoshihide must be interesting *somehow* -- figuring out that "how" is half the fun.


"BTW,puttin'up some asian content,and referrin' to it as something understandable(or,funny in connotational meaning),
you sounds so racial bigotry to us asian."

no-one said that; you put words in the poster's mouth and then chose to respond to *your own words*. some cultures'd call that "mentally ill", dude

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