I will happily wade through hours of 70s Euro muck just to get to one Werewolf Woman. For every three middling giallos that I watch, one Werewolf Woman makes it all worthwhile.
What makes Werewolf Woman stand apart from the pack (hehe)? Alchemy. Getting the horror-to-schlock preparation just right, with a combination of familiar and strikingly unique genre elements:
-Wild scenes of gore, ranging from the kick-ass to the comic, depicting shocking murders, perpetrated on victims of both sexes—by a female antagonist!
-A B-grade Morricone-esque score that's all over the map, from prog rock, to pulsating electronics, from creepy orchestral music to softcore sex pop
-A lead actress who clearly relished the opportunity to bite out a man's throat, throw his body into a ravine and shriek vengeful anger as his corpse rolled away -Uncomfortably long, simulated scenes of lovemaking that somehow just go with the terrain and make me laugh
-Despite the above, a buyable sexual/repression/revenge subtext; in fact, there are several immensely weird sexual scenes
-Close-up shots of character's eyes, another European trash-horror staple that always makes me titter
-An eventual romance with a stuntman who lives in a pre-fab Western town—wait, what???
Yes, this is one of those....
The movie begins with a scream, cutting quickly to a frenzied, naked dance in a fire circle, and pretty much just ascends from there.
The film is also far from terrible technically, and it's obvious that the director and cinematographer knew how to create tension, and how to film scenes of horrific murder for maximum impact.
Highly recommended.
Any movie where a tegu gets some is O.K. by me
Posted by: bartlebyvqf | August 25, 2009 at 09:59 AM
Your description was great, but the Yahoo! Babel Fish "translation" of the Italian synopsis from the IMDB is priceless:
"Daniela Messeri, daughter of conte the Corrado, raped all' age of 15 years, hates the males. Moreover, the girl is descendant of licantropa and anch' it, in the nights of full moon, becomes lupa mannara. When the Irene sister returns dall' America with Fabian, new spouse, Daniela it seduce and the sbrana. Ricoverata in hospital, kills to forbiciate a lesbian patient; therefore it evades and it seeds the terror: its victims are a doctor and a peasant, after an encounter loving. Approached from a kind young person and " stunt-man" , he tranquilizes himself in the relationship with he, till when l' man does not come killed from three bandit, than Daniela he exterminates. Sheltered in the forest of Sales, he comes caught up from Monica commissioner of the Homicides. "
Posted by: Wyatt Wingfoot | August 25, 2009 at 03:40 PM
Werewolf Woman goes to the top of my Must See list.
Posted by: Zebtron A. Rama | August 25, 2009 at 04:56 PM
It kills to forbicate a lesbian patient.
That should be on a movie poster.
Posted by: Jalefus | August 27, 2009 at 07:00 PM
i think i own this and i've still yet to check it out (part of some random cheap box set i got at a horror convention), but now i'll definitely give it a watch!
Posted by: c lav | September 01, 2009 at 12:03 AM
This film is INSANELY great. Actually saw it in a theatre about two years ago (The New Beverly here in Los Angeles) and it was quite enjoyable watching it with a medium-sized crowd of like minded reprobates.
Yeah, you need to try and find this, but much better in a cinema setting. Get as many of your drunken friends crammed into your living room that you can possibly get, when you watch this.
Posted by: Scott Sookman | September 22, 2009 at 08:43 PM
I watched the movie recently.It was scary,but i enjoyed watching the movie.
Posted by: Tollywood News | January 18, 2010 at 01:27 AM
excellent this is my favorite hobby I love being at home and watch a good movie or go to the movies with good company is great, the horror genre is the best excellent blog.
Posted by: sildenafil | April 27, 2010 at 09:57 PM
For me scary movie is most better than dramas or comedies.
Posted by: tadalafil | July 04, 2010 at 07:42 AM