Fats Domino and Doug Kershaw - Don't Mess With My Popeye's (2:49)
Here's an irresistible 1985 recording by Fats Domino and Doug Kershaw, heralding the indisputable joys of Popeye's fried chicken. If it sounds familiar, that's because it's based on My Toot Toot, which was written and originally recorded in 1984 by Louisiana zydeco artist Rockin' Sydney.
Believe it or not, though, this monumentally great recording does not necessarily represent the apex of fried chicken music. Nope, that honor probably goes to Pat Kaye and The Colonels for a piece of countrified excellence called Hello, Colonel Sanders.
To hear that fine song, pilot your browser over to a post on Brandan Cook's indispensable Country. & Western blog. Not content to run just one fantastic music blog, he's also responsible for Lone Star Stomp, which concentrates on music from west Texas and the surrounding area and the enjoyable Diggin' It, where all kinds of miscellaneous gems are cataloged. Where's he get all this energy? I have no idea, but do yourself a favor and bookmark 'em all.
And while I am running my mouth about excellent music blogs authored by music-crazed Texans, I need to mention one I just learned about yesterday, Wired For Sound. Brought to you by Andrew Brown, a first-rate musicologist and (thankfully) former Luddite, Wired For Sound provides in-depth stories, lost photos and forgotten songs from the margins of country music. Check it out. Really.
Interesting records, especially "Hello, Colonel Sanders" which is suprisingly very moving.
The list of music inspired by fried chicken outlets should also include the Fools' unforgettable "Psycho Chicken."
Posted by: Ivy | August 25, 2009 at 05:25 AM
This song..."Hello. Colonel Sanders" was recorded by Larry Corder in..best I can remember in 1967 and/or 1968 at Studio "B" Recording Studio in Corpus Christi, Texas the old J-Beck Records Studio... Song was written by Larry and his wife and published by Carl Becker Music BMI... Song was written and recorded in hopes that the people at Colonel Sanders might hear it and make it part of their Radio Commercials... This never happen, but it's never "too late" for anything...
Posted by: Carl Becker | September 24, 2009 at 12:33 PM
Where is Larry Corder tiday?...Is he still doing music?
Posted by: Carl Becker | January 08, 2010 at 03:18 PM