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August 10, 2009



Amazing presence! The Judy Joy Jones Show link is fantastic. I think Frances Baskerville might be the basis for Stephanie Wier's psychic lady on MadTV.


RIP, you goofy ol' nut.

Anna Garza

I wanted to let you know that Fran Bskerville passed away on August 16th 2009. She passed peacefully at home.
About a month before she passed I asked her where are you at? What do you see? She responded, "I am in a golden tower...everyone is so happy here!I see my daddy smiling and waving at me!" A few weeks before her death on earth her face lit up like a child one day as she told me I am ready to go.
Anna M. Garza

Dianna Zank

This is so sad to hear. We live in Michigan and she has visited by phone several times on WLAV. God Bless her and may she have peace and love continued in heaven

Dianna Zank

The Mona Lisa

Thank you Fran for the wonderful, prosperous words you shared with me at a local Dallas Psychic event. You will be missed physically but not spiritually. Accepting you as a Guardian Angel only allows me to know that I've been blessed as well! Thank you for your time while you were here on earth!

Your Friend from Austin

This is a little toooo late, just learned by reading this blog that Fran passed away. So sorry to hear it, we visited by phone and once I visited at home. I really enjoyed meeting her and her readings were very insightful. You are at peace and I know happier, but I miss you today more than ever. G.D. - Austin, TX

Friend from Dallas

I am tear ridden to hear that Fran has passed away, not because she is in heaven, but because of the way she touched my life and helped me so long ago. She helped me in a time of need and everything she told me came to pass. i am grateful to have known her, even if it was for a brief time.

Anna Marie Garza

Do not waste your energy being sad....;) have you not heard her song "Love On A Hill"?
I am her daughter Anna, have been reviewing her works and hope someday to bring them to you...have a blessed day!
Anna Marie

Anna Marie Garza

Hello everyone :) there is a little known fact that I have not seen posted. Frans youngest son Eddy Franklin Edwards passed away 46 days prior to her. Somewhat unexpectedly!

Anna Marie

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