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August 27, 2009



wow, that's a dang cool album cover. makes me wanna hear it. you fooler! i care nothing about softball. you just ruined my friday!:( you could make amends by posting the associated music to that album the meantime, i'll see what i can find out about it on my own.

doomsday fartshadow

i have to admit, your opening paragraph was such a downer- and so on the heels of the now scandalous Bronwyn post, that i wondered why would anyone post a blog about not having anything to post about?

and my MEH was so strong i didn't even see the 'click to read more' link to find out that the article was about something else entirely.


doomsday -- sorry about that, it wasn't meant to be a downer. the tone should have been more like...not that i didn't have something to write about, but that i didn't have something to write about in the vein of my normal blog posts for wfmu. i was FULL of ideas. it was just all SOFTBALL ideas. if you check my archives you'll see i typically write really lengthy pieces about travels and beers and weird shit. softball ain't that weird, travel-y or beer-y (although post-games are...)

needless to say, we lost the game 15-14, stranded the tying and and winning runs on base. all the way, the angeles crest highway into the angeles national forest was ablaze. smoke was billowing over the hills beyond the outfield fence. ash was snowing on us for the entire game. it was as if we were playing in the middle of cormac mccarthy's "the road". holy post-apocalyptic sporting event, batman!


spaceboy -- you're in luck if you've got an extra $15-20 laying around:

don k.

Yeah and if your personal blog is graced with missives like this one it's no wonder your readership is nil.



SWEET! thank you kindly, just found a copy on eBay...woo-hoo!

Brian C.

Hi Mr. Fungus,
Nice post. Especially enjoyed the softball angst. My softball team was crappier than yours (just missed the playoffs) but we played against similarly obnoxious opponents (and fat clown who could hit the ball for miles). I was happy to raise my avg to .300 in the final game and loved to boast about my one RBI triple. Good luck to Los Expos next year!

Pitcher 456

Got myself a copy too!!!

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