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August 24, 2009


Listner Ralphine

Can't hear Hindustan without thinking of Tamar.


And in my humble opinion, Kraus's "Dizzy Fingers" can't touch this version:

Walter Brennan

Thumping post! "The March of the Siamese Twins" - now that's one I'd like to hear...

Do you know what year this LP was printed? I can't see from the sleeves.



I'm also interested in the year...

Bob Purse


There is no date anywhere on this album, and 20 minutes of searching online turns up a few hits for references to the album, but no date. However, there is a specific date of spring 1957 for another Golden Crest album, "Don Redman's Park Ave Patter", with a label number of CR3017, barely a dozen releases after this one, so I'm guessing 1956 or '57.


michael C

you outed tamar's talkover music...naughty


Bob, thanks very much.

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