Their Saturday, October 12th set at stage 2 of ATP was the first chance I've had to check out the post-2006 lineup of the band, with 80's mainstays King Buzzo (guitar/vox) and Dale Crover (drums) actually merging their band with Big Business (Coady Willis on second drums, Jared Willis on bass). To say they slayed would be an understatement, and in all truth this is the only band that could have one of its members perform in a Snuggy and not lose one fraction of heaviness. We've got two approved MP3s from the set: "Zodiac" and "Kicking Machine" engineered during WFMU broadcast by Scott Konzelmann.
To try to emphasize the "you simply hadda be there", factor, I am also tacking on a 2007 Norwegian fest clip William Berger sent me to give you idea of the synergy of this killer lineup (note the somewhat fused/shared drumkits at times).
Stay tuned for more MP3s from WFMU's recordings and broadcast from All Tomorrow's Parties '09
fawk yeh. Thanks Brian.
Posted by: boil | September 29, 2009 at 09:25 PM
Huffing nitrous oxide from whipped cream cans? Such sordid decadence.
Posted by: K. | September 30, 2009 at 01:11 AM