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September 19, 2009



i'm slupped in the groove.. when you guys playing out?

Ross Ewage

I remember the unusual bassoon-based prog band, Gryphon, from the 70's. The bassoon, often referred to as "the clown of the orchestra," does indeed have a place in rock and other non-traditional formats.


Hey Mind Wrecker!

Jonathan here. Neat to be able to hear this online, thanks.

Is it some sort of joke that there's not a lick of bassoon on any of this?

More Pappy and Some bassoon, next time, I say!


Mindwrecker here with the usual corrections/ etc.
Carrie (bassoon wizard) informs me that, as I suspected all along, she is playing clarinet on the long improv. section ("...on too much coffee.")and not saxophone.
And member Jonathan points out the strangeness of this post above by noting correctly that (purely at random) I chose pieces for this first Chotchke blog that don't feature bassoon. I promise that next time (probably in November) I'll come forth with some new music that has more Pappy (Jon Fellman) and more bassoon.

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