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September 20, 2009



What a great story, thanks!


Wow, this was really cool! The past couple weeks I've been wondering whatever happened to that band. Great story to it.


This is awesome. Best of luck to you, sir.

Andy Lester

Thanks for this great story, to Vic for taking the time to tell it, and to WFMU for posting it.


Great story. But what's the deal with them mentioning Dow Jones and The Industrials in the first video? Wikipedia only lists the late 70's punk band.

Rick Garcia

Great Story! I love the internet for this sort of thing...


God bless you, man.

Peek-A-Boo Revue

Wow Vic! Love this!


What a thing! You lived a life that most of us only dream about: being in Rock and Roll while it grew up. Being there. Seeing it happen. And making it out unscathed and still rockin. I salute you, sir.


The song: "Valerie" was also done by The Mothers Of Invention & it appears on thier LP "Burnt Weeny Sandwich" released in 1969. A stupendous version, I might add. I would gather that they pretty much attempted to emulate The Cavemen's version, but also, added a touch of authenic Doo-Wop-ismatic love.


WOW Vic this is great! I am the daughter of Eddie (Melissa)he's next to me now with tears in his eyes as I read this to him. we (his children) have been looking for this for yrs! "Thanks to Lenny's son", we are able to see and share what you all did back in 1966 and what my dad always said about his band "The Cave Men" and how GREAT you all were. And boy was he right... This is AWSOME!!! Dad spoke to Lenny today and hopes to hear from you soon & have a reunion, & play some great toons again. Thanks again! God Bless..Love The Reyes Family xoxo

Willy Reyes Jr

THANK'S Vic.. I am Willy's son Willy JR,now 44yrs old.Thanks for the utube i showed my 4 children there grandfather in action.Something they heard about but for the very first time got to see.My heart rejoices..This is a blessing to me and my family....P.S ..I also forwarded it to my sisters...and they are happy as well....WHAT TALENT.........The Reyes family


OMG, I am the daughter of Willy SR who sang Valerie!!! I'm balling as I've just read your nice updated information for me to show my 2 children!! They can finally see for themselves their real grandfather singing & playing base!! My father named me "Valerie" after the song! You can never ever imagine how much pain that song had endured for me as a fatherless child @ almost 4 yrs. Old and in hearing this song recorded that my mother had with other records, I'd cry out to my father & say" NO dad I can't see you & cry to him & the Lord & say Im down on my knees & begging him please to please bring my daddy back to me. All I wanted for Christmas wad for my dad to come home & I'd fall asleep every night crying & praying that my daddy would come home. As I got older is when I realized my dad wasn't coming home & he wad in a better place! I've looked for the records & that cassette now that I'm a mother of 2 & a grandmother also of 2. I have my parents wedding picture in my living room soy children & grandchildren can see him!! Thank you sooo much from the bottom of my heart for blessing me & my family with our dads family tree as far as his career went music. I still cry everytime I hear that song & he screams out my name "Valerie, can't u see me"??!! At least I know what my ne sounded
like with his voice & I feel special that even though I was the youngest & baby of 3 kids he left behind that he named my brother ( oldest) Willy JR after him, my sister after my mother ( Esther) & then came me which he named after the song! I'd like to hear more information about my dad, uncle & band & any pictures & articles you may have would mean a great deal to me!!
Thank you all again & God bless you all!!


Hey Vic. This is Valerie's daughter Jazzibel. If you ever get the chance to read my comment I just wanted to thank you very much for telling my grandfathers story and how you all came to be the famous Cavemen. I especially loved the video "Valerie" because not only did that beautiful song touch my mother...It also touched me as well. Although my mother and I shared some tears threw that video. I was very happy to be able to see my mother finally see her daddy again for the moment. And a moment like that is priceless. So again thank you so very much for putting these videos up again. Now I can have the pleasure of passing this heartfelt story on to my children. And now I to can have a little piece of my grandfather anytime I'd like. Take care and God Bless.



is there any way i could get you to send me Megaton's - Rain 2000...ive been wanting that track for years and have never came across it...send it to cluebni(at)yahooo(dot)com

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How can a journalist, who presumably went to university, not be able to differentiate between Arabic and Japanes

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