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September 21, 2009



Holy crap - side 1 is incredible.


may the data be with you


What is that opening song? Bloody amazing!


i have this record! so weird!

opening song is joan baez - welsh song.


Thank you

charles terrat

This is very funny to listen to. I attended USC that year, and I used to have a copy of this record, which was given with the yearbook. Towards the end of the school year there was a traditional music festival (Songfest), in which campus organizations were encouraged to enter. There was a common theme, which that particular year was something like "Time gone by." You were given a strict 6-minute limit, and you had to audition to get in. The finals were held at the Greek Theater, and had always been dominated by the fraternities and sororities, who would group together. I played bass in a dormitory band we put together for the contest, doing a Sha-na-na type early rock medely. We were called Buster Hyman and the Penetrators. Five guys singing, with two electric guitars and bass. We dressed the part, and had appropriate choreography. When the curtain went up on us the crowd, which included most of our fellow dorm-mates, went nuts. The judges included show-biz elite, like Lalo Schifrin and Nelson Riddle. They seemed to like what we were doing, and gave us first place. The first time a non-Greek organization had ever won, as I recall. We were campus heroes for a week. I don't know where you foaund this record, but thanks for putting it up.

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