One day to go to the start of the highly anticipated WFMU record fair with the first ever WFMU DJ Petting Zoo featuring pettable pet Bryce (watch out though - he sometimes bites) at the Metropolitan Pavilion Friday, Saturday, & Sunday. And all this week WFMU DJs have been preparing the record fair mood via SINGLES GOING STEADY - the by now hella popular annual singles event in which FMU listeners fully embrace the fact that near every DJ plays their 45's in non-intended ways - generally slowed down, but sometimes speeded up, and more often played (with the spindle taken out of the large hole and played off center and at the RPM not intended a la Scott Williams. Me I am going to play 45 7-inch singles at 45 RPM in 7 minutes exactly. It will be all be conducted under an Olympics stop watch operated by DJ NOAH the guest
7 inch Top Five spinmaster. Meantime DJ ALF will be laying down beats with scratches with The Genie on scratch guitar for Friday's 3 hour live broadcast from the Metropolitan Pavilion while guest emcees and DJs stop by and jump on the air. He will also do a Pixies Scratch Guitar remix. Also on hand to guide the numerous guests will be WFMU DJ Marty McSorley the unemployed, 7 inch and 40 ounce loving, toilet paper on Turntable Three FMU DJ with a full Fall concert guide to Paula Poundstone, and how to live and die in LA on 45RPM. Below here is a taste of what San Francisco's The Genie (recorded this minute) will be doing on Friday afternoon's WFMU live remote from the WFMU RECORD FAIR on Put The Needle On The Record.
Also scheduled for the weekend's WFMU Record Fair are The Trashmen (10/24, 2pm), Heavy Trash (10/24, 4PM) People Like Us (10/25, 2pm), Chris Brokaw (10/25, 3pm), Kevin Blechdom + BARNWAVE +Special Guests (10/25, 1pm), New York Night Train (10/24) La Cumbiamba eNeYĆ© (10/25, 4pm), Electric Chaircuts w/ Nelson Loskamp (10/25)!.
Oh yeah? Yes......Oh and on a 45 platter too. Ya smell me? Jeayeah. Hells.
i love looking at a mans feet while he plays reggae, thanks for that!
Posted by: carl | October 22, 2009 at 10:33 AM