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October 27, 2009



Tip #1: Keep cool, don't lose your head.


Not only did Williams stop tipping his cap to those idiots, he occasionally spat at them.


Any idea when this record was cut or released?

"Just Plain" Bill Theodore

Still not satisfied after years of having hurled abuse at him within the friendly confines of Fenway Park when he was alive and swinging, the Rose Hose seat warmers, no doubt hopped up on Moxie, took further revenge upon Ted Williams after he died by naming a behind schedule, over budget, leaking, collapsing tunnel after him. At least their attempt to punish his ectoplasmic presence at the plate by tearing down Fenway failed - That'd been like lopping off your head to spite your broken collar bone.


i m from brasil i lives americana i m jail mr chairman globo tv mr roberto irineu marinho this men put police every day adress globo tv rue doctor chucri zaidan 46 morumbi at sao paulo i need solution this case

Terry S. Smith

Whatever happened to sportsman like conduct?

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