Mark you calendar. My wife Janet and I will be filling in for Shut Up, Weirdo (Fridays, 6 PM) on the following dates:
Friday, Nov. 27 (Black Friday): Crappy Crafts & Penny-Pinching Parties
Did you ever wish you could turn a lowly coffee can into a beautiful piggy bank via some artful crochet? Would you like to know how to throw a rockin' holiday party for a few thin dimes? On this Black Friday we'll keep you out of the stores and help you save a few bucks while we share Crappy Crafts and Penny-Pinching Party ideas.
Friday, Dec. 25 (Christmas Day): Trim-a-Tree with Janet & Chris T.
If you celebrate Christmas you've probably agonized over the multitude of approaches to the Christmas tree: Real or artificial? If you favor a real tree do you go and cut it down yourself? Or head off to the nearest corner lot? And is it a Noble Fir or nothing? If you prefer artificial do you want a realistic-looking one or something that screams FAKE, like those shiny aluminum trees back in fashion? What about lights? Clear? Colored? Flashing? Steady on? And then there's garland, tinsel and ornaments... Jesus Christ! We'll also ask what a WFMU Christmas tree would look like.
Friday, Jan. 1 (New Year's Day): Two Year Warning
The world is officially scheduled to end in 2012. What will YOU do with your last two years?
Christ T. hosted WFMU's first regularly-scheduled phone-in talkshow, Aerial View, for sixteen straight years beginning in 1989.
Now THIS is a holiday season! Any chance of some Xmas carols from Mr. Chin?
Posted by: JD | November 28, 2009 at 03:07 PM
Chris!! any chance you'll start up AV again???
SUW can't hold a candle to it.
Posted by: M Lev | December 01, 2009 at 09:22 PM