Two years ago I wrote a short blog post praising the criminally underrated German avant-punk-pop mavericks Die Goldenen Zitronen (The Golden Lemons). Unfortunately, it didn't catapult them to superstardom in the US, so I'll try again... Three years after their last studio album "Lenin" they finally released a new one, "Die Entstehung der Nacht" (The Emergence of the Night), as good or better as their last ones. Here is the strange and spooky video for the instrumental title song, apparently a modern version of the story of The Pied Piper of Hamelin.
As a bonus, here are two of my favorite non-instrumentals from the album as MP3s: Des Landeshauptmann's letzter Weg (with lyrics in the style of a Hölderlin ode about Jörg Haider and the weird way in which a law-and-order politician who liked the Nazis and died in a car accident, speeding and drunk, could become a popular hero in the Austrian state of Carinthia after his death) | Drop the stylist (features Mark Stewart of The Pop Group, Melissa Logan of Chicks on Speed, and some swearing in English, so don't play it on the radio or in church...)
Now if only a US distributor would pick up this album...
Been listening to them since your previous post and I'm with you, they are sadly unknown in the USA. A question about "Drop the Stylist" - it seems to be directed at someone in particular - could that someone be John Lydon? I think the singer assumes the same affectations and there are references that suggest the subject of the song is John Lydon. The production is definitely similar to some PIL songs as well. At first I misread/mistook the title to mean drop the stylus (aka put the needle on the record); instead I think it has the double meaning of stylistic pretensions and the Hollywood definition of stylist (hairdresser, make-up artist, etc.). Anyway, just a thought - what do other think?
Posted by: Fels Naptha | November 16, 2009 at 03:39 PM