Give the Drummer Some's
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A Veteran's Day post, for my father.
Growing up, I was always aware that my dad had served during World War II. I knew from old photos what he looked like in uniform. I knew that he'd fought in the Battle of the Bulge. I knew he'd earned a Purple Heart (though he claimed his injury required only a simple bandage). I also knew that he never cared to talk much about his wartime experiences. He wasn't secretive and walled-up about it, but he never went into any great detail on those rare occasions when the subject came up. So you can imagine my surprise when only a few years ago I learned, almost by accident, that my gentle, unassuming father is a Silver Star–decorated hero who performed with tremendous valor under terrible duress during one the longest and most devastating battles in U.S. Army history: the Battle of Hürtgen Forest.
Back in June 1994, during the 50th anniversary celebrations of WWII, the French government invited veterans who'd landed at Normandy to attend a ceremony where they were awarded a special commemorative medal. Unsurprisingly, my father chose not to go. A few years later, all the vets who missed the Normandy honor were invited to the U.S. Capitol to receive their rightful medals, and he was going to skip that, too (despite living in nearby Maryland). He had never told me about the invitation to return to Normandy, but when I learned of the ceremony at the Capitol, I couldn't resist asking him to share with me more about his experiences during the war. I traveled down to Maryland and took my father out to lunch and peppered him with questions, which he answered unreservedly with a great richness of detail. He told me what it was like when George Patton visited his outfit and ate with him in the officers' mess, with his shiny helmet and fancy revolvers; that an entire unit he'd been with, but was pulled from to join Officer Candidate School, had perished in a plane crash in North Africa; that he was among the first American soldiers to cross into Luxembourg and how his division was the first to advance across German lines; and about performing occupation duty after the war ended and seeing long queues of emaciated camp survivors.
That day at lunch my father also mentioned that he'd been awarded the Silver Star. I didn't really understand the great significance of this until I returned home and started doing some research. I asked my father to tell me the story of how he earned the Silver Star and he send me a long letter detailing what took place. He also included the original document that came through confirming his award of the medal. And most movingly, he sent me his Silver Star.
I treasure these items and continue to be proud of my father's service in the cause of defeating fascism. In the spirit of offering an oral history as tribute, I am reprinting below the command document ordering my father's Silver Star and an excerpt of the letter he wrote to me describing the circumstances surrounding his earning it.
(Please continue)
HERBERT M. SCHULKIND: First Lieutenant, Field
Artillery, United States Army, for gallantry in action in Germany on 19
September 1944. While acting as a forward observer, the enemy launched
a counter attack against the unit with which First Lieutenant
Schulkind was observing. First Lieutenant Schulkind, in spite of enemy
fire and danger from exploding ammunition in a nearby burning half
track, took a position under direct observation of the enemy and
directed artillery fire on them. So effective was the combined tank and
artillery fire directed that the enemy counter attack was completely
routed. The action of First Lieutenant Schulkind reflects the highest
traditions of the military service." — BY COMMAND OF MAJOR GENERAL
division, the 5th Armored, were the first American troops to cross the
German border, in early September 1944. We were supposed to simply be a
diversionary attack, but broke through from Luxembourg in the general
vicinity of Trier. I was acting as a forward artillery observer with
a tank company and a company of armored infantry. Our battalion, the 95th
Armored Field Artillery, had three batteries of six 105 howitzers
mounted on a tank chassis. As a forward artillery observer, I had to direct artillery fire by
radio back to our 105 howitzers which were in position two or three
miles to the rear.
When we broke through at the border, the tanks and armored infantry
continued into Germany for about seven or eight miles and set up in
position on a hill overlooking a valley. We stayed there for three or
four days, each drawing more enemy fire, but not firing much
opposition. On the fourth night we could hear German armor moving up.
At daylight, there was very heavy fog and we couldn't see a thing in
the valley below, but we could hear the enemy tanks and realized they
were using the cover of the fog to circle around behind us. After an
hour or so, the mist miraculously lifted and the whole valley below us
was filled with German tanks and armored vehicles. The tank company
(from our 10th Armored Regiment) had a field day and I also radioed
back to the artillery and directed fire.
During the winter of 1945, we were in the Huertgen Forest in
Germany and I was sent as liaison to an artillery battalion of the 8th
Infantry Division—they wanted to tie our guns into the 8th Division's
to add firepower and I would be able to radio the firing data to our
batteries. One day, I got a message to put on a clean uniform and
proceed to a particular location. I don't remember if I was told it was
to get a medal, or whether I learned about it when I arrived at the
clearing in the forest I was directed to. But in any event, when I got
there, I learned what was up. There were about four or five of us to be
decorated. We lined up and lo and behold there was our division
commander, Major General Lunsford E. Oliver. He went down the line and
pinned the medal on the soldiers. Although I don't think I
did anything special to merit the Silver Star decoration, I was pleased that it was
the officers from the tank company who recommended the award and not my
own outfit.
It is to my father that I owe my love for music. His descriptions of seeing Louis Armstrong, Billie Holiday and some of my greatest music heroes have been an inspiration from the beginning for me. My father turned 90 back in September, and, to celebrate, I've invited him to come on my radio show to play some records and talk about music. That program will happen as soon as his new hip lets him travel comfortably to New York. In the meantime, enjoy some of these musical delights:
Dreamy Crime Drama
Ennio Morricone ~ "The Revolver" (O.S.T.)
(Blog: Sleazy Listening)
From the soundtrack: In un Altro Bar (mp3)
Stompin' on Savoy
Archie Shepp/Bill Dixon ~ "Peace"
(Blog: The Changing Same)
Look for Barry Manilow's Broadway-Bound Show About Them, No Really!
Comedian Harmonists ~ "Die Grossten Erfolge 1928-1934"
(Blog: Reci's Oldies)
Brothers Work It Out
Cane and Able ~ "Cane and Able"
(Blog: My Jazz World)
From the album: Who's Gonna Take the Weight (mp3)
Lysergic Bossa Soul
Tony & Frankye ~ "Tony & Frankye"
(Blog: Blog de Samba & Soul)
Heart-stopping Balladry
Various ~ "Bonny Lass Come O'er the Burn"
(Blog: Gonzo Archive)
From the album: Far Over the North (mp3) by Ray Fisher
Give the Drummer Some, Fridays on WFMU, 9 to Noon (ET).
Check out every installment of Mining the Audio Motherlode
Hail It now looks like rapid share has stopped or limited the amount of free downloads, I have tried for the last several days and I keep getting the same message, that there are no free dowloads avalible blah blah try again latter. SO Friday is payday they are going to get a 6 month membership from me.
Posted by: Mike Yahwak | November 11, 2009 at 02:17 PM
Don't do that -- clean out your cache of cookies instead, and try again.
Posted by: Goyim in the AM | November 11, 2009 at 02:49 PM
I really enjoyed reading your post, which happened shortly after me and my daughter had a mildly sentimental conversation. Families are great sometimes. I'm sitting here grinning. I didn't get even round to checking out the music yet... but I have the urge to dig into my vinyl for all the classics I purloined/inherited from my parents' collection...
Posted by: Mogambo | November 11, 2009 at 06:05 PM
clean out your cache of cookies instead, and try again...........
Posted by: adsglobe | November 12, 2009 at 12:06 AM
2 more I've run across...
South American Fela Covers
Madrotter's new turntable is cookin
Posted by: Icastico | November 12, 2009 at 02:49 AM
Let us know when your dad's going to be on. Will be cool to hear a WWII DJ.
Posted by: Rufus J Squirrel | November 12, 2009 at 07:29 PM
I'm pretty sure Freezone's "Indian Squaw Blues" didn't have anything to do with that '70s Brazilian album, but 'tis a nice tune nonetheless.
Posted by: Mr Fab | November 13, 2009 at 06:37 PM
I am really very thankful from the bottom of my heart for all Veterans.They are real Heroes like your father.This is really very interesting post.Its good to know about your father that he'd been awarded the Silver Star.Thank you for this post.
Posted by: compléments alimentaires | November 14, 2009 at 02:24 AM
Fascinating story, and great post (and show) as always. I'm curious about what happened when the tank company yr father was with "had a field day," although I can certainly imagine. Maybe there's a book in there somewhere? Or, given the apparent amount of period images you have (or can access via research or whatever) you could do some kinda multi-media project tying together the music and yr father's war experiences?
Or maybe you can just continue to let your father have his experiences to himself, and share them in his own way and at his own pace (which is what you seem to have been doing), with your continued love, support, and respect. stuff.
Posted by: DefChef | November 15, 2009 at 11:49 AM
According to this September 1944 After Action report for the 5th Armored Division, "a field day," meant the destruction of 19 German Mark IV tanks.
Posted by: Doug Schulkind | November 15, 2009 at 12:40 PM
I'm sure you were a peace loving, war hating liberal while Bush was President.
Now that we have the BellicosObama in there, suddenly illegal wars of aggression are ... well ... kinda OK.
Typical partisan hypocrite!
Heart warming story about your dad btw.
I used to like your show, but it's been tainted ever since I been seeing your continued support of Bush the second.
I am not a right wing nut either so you can't dismiss this that way.
Just look at what's going on Doug.
How can you justify it???? What you believe the terrists are out to get us now???
Posted by: jeffers | November 16, 2009 at 01:07 PM
"I am not a right wing nut either so you can't dismiss this that way."
Of course not, you're just a plain old regular NUT.
"Illegal wars of aggression"????? Is that was the US was waging in WW2? Wow, learn something new everyday, and all this time I thought we were defending ourselves against outside aggression, like, you know. . . Pearl Harbor.
And who is "Bush the second"? George W. Bush came after George H.W. Bush, so I thought HE was "the second", but I guess you're referring to Obama. Whatever.
Posted by: juckmann | November 16, 2009 at 03:00 PM
I am not talking about WW2 as a war of aggression -
I am talking about Afghanistan, Pakistan. (like drones in stuff, you know?)
And yes by "Bush II", I am referring to Obama administration's practically perfect continuation of W Bush's -
Can you point out where the difference lies? The rhetoric is different but the actions are unchanged/continued/furthered.
Torture, suspension of previous rights (habeas corpus), patriot act, surveillance, military escalation, complicity in Israeli aggression,
fear mongering about terrorists.
The reason I came out sputtering under this post is I just don't see Doug posting this back in the day - in heat of Bush's Middle East escapades; but now that his guy is at the plate, well ... there ARE good wars, and bravery, and valor and warm fuzzy stuff, you know?
I'm just envisioning all the Obama bumper stickers snuggled up close to the peace signs.
And now this - it gets in my craw.
Posted by: jeffers | November 16, 2009 at 07:46 PM
Jeffers, lots of people who railed against Bush and his MIddle East adventures also approved of World War II. Most people do not see any contradiction there.
You may disagree, but why bring all this up in reply to a post about somebody's dad? Is it time for your medicine?
Posted by: Mark | November 16, 2009 at 10:31 PM
"Dear President Bush, I'm sure you'll be having a nice little tea party with your fellow war criminal, Tony Blair. Please wash the cucumber sandwiches down with a glass of blood." (Harold Pinter in The Guardian)
Welcome to our quagmire
Support our Troops! (But screw 'em when they come home with those phantom diseases trying to mooch off Uncle Sam)
The terrorists have already won. The White House
NY Times's Thomas L. Friedman has the line of the week:
"The Bush energy policy should be called "No Mullah Left Behind"
Halliburton, hungry to make another killing, trains its beady eyes on Khartoum
Fear is the new crack
Mr. Sharon, tear down this wall
All we are saying is give torture a chance
This program constitutes a specific and credible threat
Habeas shmabeas, let's go waterboarding!
Oh, in case you were wondering, we are already at war with Iran
So, how many more Osama videos do you think the Pentagon's black ops fellers
have left in the can?
C'mon America, if there are more troops to support, then we can
Support Our Troops™ more
These are titles to various shows from Nov. 21 2003 through Jan. 12 2007.
Then Obama is elected.
Nothing changes ...
Not a peep on this subject from Doug since.
Except for this softball.
All due respect for your dad and your own life Doug.
But if your going to stick your neck out ...
My position? Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton, Obama, they're all the same.
We were the bad guys then and were still the bad guys - quit being fooled by the smooth talker - he's a snake.
I'm done here.
This nut is going to get his medication now.
Posted by: jeffers | November 17, 2009 at 11:28 AM
I am delighted you have been paying such close attention to my program titles. However much I may disagree with you, I am way more energized by someone who has a pulse than someone who doesn't. So bravo.
My question to you is: How much of Obama's current foreigh policy directives have been organically derived from his own personal philosophy and how much is the real-world result of him taking the helm of a country already ensconsed in illegal wars of aggression, torture, etc. You seem to be indicating that there is little distincition between Obama's personal world view and Bush's. If so, I can understand why you think him a snake. I don't feel the need to defend my lack of criticism of Obama's efforts so far, but you have every right to do so.
One thing I have been saying since the day I first learned of and began suporting Obama (reading William Finnegan's profile of him in the 3/31/04 edition of the New Yorker) is that his greatest challenge will be managing his critics from the left and not the right. Your diatribe against him only reinforces that impression.
Posted by: Doug Schulkind | November 17, 2009 at 11:45 AM
How am I supposed to read that last post of yours and NOT think you are a raving lunatic? I mean. . . LOOK at it, it's a bunch of disjointed, unconnected one-liners and/or slogans. Even if you have a point to make (and I guess your only point seems to be "Obama is as bad as Bush"), this kind of format isn't helping you convince anyone, only making you look like a raving crank and/or a 14-year-old boy with raging hormones who just read some Chomksy and thinks he understands everything now.
I think most of us understand your point about Obama, though we disagree with it; Obama is not perfect, and I'm disappointed in his presidency so far, but I think we put too much hope into him after Bush. I also don't see his daily briefings, nor do I (or you) have to make serious decisions that effect the USA and the world every single day, so I will reserve a certain amount of judgment until I have walked in his shoes.
And I still don't see how any of this relates to WW2, which is what this post was originally about.
Posted by: jimson | November 19, 2009 at 05:00 PM
To be fair to Jeffers, the disjointed one-liners on display in his comment are all actually titles of some of my past radio shows. Jeffers was quoting back to me evidence of my displeasure with the Bush presidency and remarking that my silence on the imperfections of Obama's tenure so far prove that I am, in his opinion, a top-rank hypocrite. I disagree, but that's what makes horse('s ass) races.
By the way: To view the titles of my past radio shows, you can go to this Index Page, which provides access to virtually every show I've broadcast since 1996! Click on any of the shows and you can see the playlist for the program; click on any of the archives—which go back as far as 2001—and you can actually listen to the shows in their entirety.
Frankly, I'm just touched that Jeffers has been paying such close attention all these years.
Posted by: Doug Schulkind | November 19, 2009 at 05:54 PM
What your inferring is that Bush and his evil empire created the mess.
And now maybe Obama is just finding it difficult to get out of it.
Well, he is not admitting to that is he?
Check out this link (lengthy but enlightening)
(especially starting at about 19 minutes in with Jeremy Scahill speaking.)
What I'm inferring is that the shenanigans that are going on are
continuous through administrations.
How long has this been the case?
Shit I don't know.
But I know it is probably the case through bush 1, clinton, bush 2, and Obama.
The real power is tied up with big money.
As long as we continue playing republicans versus democrats were screwed.
It's about all of us versus the power elite.
They're the ones that are causing these wars, because it is funneling
tons of money into their own coffers.
Do you see a shred of evidence that Mr. Obama and his people are doing
anything but escalating this reality?
If so please enlighten me.
Why did I choose to do this here?
Because I'm dismayed that Doug is for holding out for Mr. Hope.
I think if he truly possesses the concerns he evidenced during the
Bush years, well then he should still be trumpeting them.
And this seemed like a good place to point that out.
If you can't make the conceptual stretch, well sorry, I think I
already explained it a couple different ways.
Posted by: jeffers | November 20, 2009 at 06:34 PM
Am the son of a German soldier who fought in Huertgen Forest. He came from the battlefields of Russia to stiffen restistance in the West. Russia was the hell, but Huertgen was much worse. Weeks of close compat and thousand of deads on both sides. Oddly enough that 3/4 of the compats there were either German or of German decent. By the way the name Schulkind is German. Schul = school and Kind = kid so it can be translated with pupil. The Americans were told to fight for freedom and democracy. The Germans that they defend their homeland from to be ruled by foreigners. And both died for it. My father told me what he learned that time. That there is no right war. War is only one big crime that makes men who could be best friends to kill each other.
Posted by: Tino Walters | December 01, 2009 at 03:34 AM