Here are five versions of Please Pass The Biscuits, the timeless story of one hungry kid's desperate attempt to snag some nourishment.
From my perspective, the definitive version is the one recorded by Andre Williams for the Fortune label in Detroit in 1958, the year after the original version, by author Gene Sullivan, landed in the Top Ten on Billboard's Country chart. Williams, a pioneer of R&B sleaze, is still out there hustling. His most recent album came out just last year and this month his first book, a semi-autobiographical tale of pimps, gangs, and drug running, was published by Kicks Books.
Gene Sullivan - Please Pass The Biscuits (2:52) 1957
Andre Williams - Pass The Biscuits Please (3:19) 1958
Jimmy Dean - Please Pass The Biscuits (2:57) 1962
Norval & Ivy - Please Pass The Biscuits (2:56) 1967
And to wrap things, up we'll check in with an unforgettable live performance from the Collins Kids featuring a great vocal performance by young Larry. Tex Ritter provides the introduction and somehow manages to keep a straight face while he observes, "You show me a growing boy and I'll show you a biscuit eater."
Hello Greg from a fellow atlantan,
Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your posts. I first noticed that you were a fellow citizen when your post on eefin' grabbed my eye. My soul has been salved by your deep knowledge of the good and interesting stuff in county music. So it's with a bit of trepidation that I invite you to come out some time and hear the band I play singing saw with. We're called Uncle Daddy & the Kissin Cousins. We're a jug band without a jug but we do have a gut bucket bass, wrench-a-phone and use a variety of non-standard well as guitar and banjo. It would be cool to meet you in person sometime. And thanx again for helping to make this blog a better blog.
Posted by: Terry Boling | November 05, 2009 at 11:03 AM
Hey, Terry. Thanks a lot for the kind words. Great to hear from you.
Posted by: Listener Greg G. | November 05, 2009 at 10:26 PM
Even Larry Collins without his rave-up gee-tar is a good showman.
Posted by: Johnny | November 06, 2009 at 03:56 PM
don't forget the bio-pic of andre:
Posted by: tilly t | November 16, 2009 at 08:42 AM