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November 03, 2009



thanks! from your description they sound amazing.

Paul H.

Come on Berger! Plug the CD!

Available here:

I hope somebody took photo/video of their set at the Abandon Ship Halloween Show. Guitars lit on fire, guitars smashed, physical confrontation, beer thrown, water thrown, stuff destroyed, and the most unholy racket you could hope for.


I love that CD, Haney! Plug plug


Hey East Coast... if you have a Slasher itch you need to scratch and want to witness the mayhem live (and buy a cd in person) in a town near (enough to) you, prepare to have your brain fucked because as luck would have it Slasher Risk and friends Grasshopper (MCoQ alum from August) will be hauling ass up and down this coast in the coming weeks, visit SR's myspace for details.

Chris Barts

Can someone get rid of all these folic acid spams?

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