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December 01, 2009



Yeah, Vangelis chilling with Burzum sounds about right. Bohemian Grove! Icke says that owls are a symbol of the reptilians, which is weird, I would think that reptiles would be the symbol of reptilians, and owls are the symbol of, well, owls.


Crazy. I have an Enslaved By Owls album, given to me because of my hangup on synthy horror movie scores. It's not bad, though wildly inconsistent. when it hits, it hits but when it's bad it is baaaaaaaad. It's a long disc and seems to have as many tracks as an early DRI album.

It's cool to see this article up, though. I used to work at the record store downtown in Portsmouth with Jayson Kohl, who managed that store for a long time and opened The Oddyssey and The Oracle. The old store, Bull Moose Music, sucks a dog's cock these days but O&O is a real crap shoot and needs some organization. He broke his back when he got drunk and fell asleep in a tree. Now he dresses like Greg Brady and knows absolutely everything there is to know about psych, garage and prog and he's not even autistic.


good stuff. now if he would only cut that hair.


glad to see EBO getting some much deserved recognition. this guy has been making some of my favorite music for the past 9 years.


After a short search, I found EBO I, II, & III are on the Internet Archive.

Fun stuff! Thanks again WFMU.

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