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December 23, 2009



Eight-Hand Sets & Holy Steps is my fave hands down... beautiful!

Second fave would have to be M'Boom Re:Percussion, but after that it gets too difficult to pick one over another.

So much good and wildly varied stuff, I really had a good music year (again) and (as usual) it was aided & abetted by WFMU!

Peace and merry xmas, and remember to follow the advice of the UK Christmas #1 single...

Sister Hairy Hymen

I wish I could get the link to work for the christmas doo wop but TRIED and it wont work. Why do people do that in first palce? If they want to share then share. Not make it impssible to get it. Then again it might be a dead link

Doug Schulkind

The Xmas Doo-Wop link DOES work. Just follow the directions provided in the first Comment on the page I've linked to. Once you have keyed in the correct URL for the download and downloaded it, use the password provided to open the rar file. I just did it again and confirmed that the link is still active and available.

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