I bought Knight School's debut CDR "The Poor and Needy Need to Party" at the release show earlier this year, which was remarkable in and of itself. I usually only spend money on vinyl, so I have only paid full price for two CDRs ever, the other one was Tyvek's "FAST Metabolism" (totally worth it). I clearly remember listening to the Knight School CDR for the first time, and I was taken a bit by surprise. Maybe I'm just a pessimist and/or a snob, but I never really assume I'm going to like anything all that much. "The Poor and Needy Need To Party" just struck me as nearly perfect- catchy pop songs that are cute and funny while still reeking of a deep, tortured meaning. I think I listened to "Cry Baby" about ten times in a row that day. The songs jingle and jangle and you could imagine The Clean playing them if they were all into Lo-Fi all of a sudden.
Knight School has not gotten nearly close to the amount of attention that they deserve, but there is finally good news for Knight School fans! Their sophomore full length release, and vinyl debut, will be out on Make A Mess early in the new year. According to Kevin Alvir (guitarist/vocalist), Knight School channeled bands such as Guided By Voices, Television Personalities, Tall Dwarfs, The Bats, and Pavement while recording "Revenger". Check out the following track and look out for the record in early 2k10.