I've put this off for way too long... it's just cuz too much awesome music happened in 2009 and I think it's more than any single human could possibly digest in one year. Trust me, I've tried -- I have to have this sadistic urge to try to absorb everything. It's a problem. It's an addiction. But hey -- music is the healthiest addiction around, so might as well binge on the choicest sounds! I discovered a lot of these favorites through WFMU's music library; its endlessly inspiring New Bin curated by Mr Brian Turner, and WFMU's multi-talented DJ arsenal who bring the musical universe to contextualized life On The Air.
I've also discovered countless new favorites via the Free Music Archive, through tips from fellow curators and music fiends and browsing the net for the best Creative Commons audio. The FMA's library of freely download-able, curated mp3s has tripled in size since we launched in April, and I've listed some of my favorite selections below, more are on the way. Happy 2010 everybody!
= hear more of the artist's music on the Free Music Archive
♫ = a streaming archive from Talk's Cheap, my radio show here on WFMU
Karl Blau - Zebra (K Records) ♫ "Gnos Levohs" |
Anti-Pop Consortium - Fluorescent Black (Big Dada) ♫ "Get Lite" ♫ FMA's APC Remix Contest |
Mirrors - Something That Would Never Do (Violet Times) ♫ "You Me Love" |
Matias Aguayo - Ay Ay Ay (Kompakt) ♫ "Menta Late" ...this is like candy |
Vaselines - Enter the Vaselines 3xLP - (Sub Pop) ♫ "Lovecraft" |
| Ghedalia Tazartes "Repas Froid" (Tanzprocesz) ♫ "excerpt" ...because I discovered GT this year, this disc of some of his archives was the gateway |
Big Blood - Already Gone I & II (dontrustheruin) |
Buraka Som Sistema - Black Diamond (Fabric) ♫ "Aqui Para Voces" ...just catching up with the rest of the world on this one! |
Michael Stasis - s/t & Anger cassettes (Natural Resources) |
The Ransactional Dharma of Roj (Ghost Box) ♫ "Clear Channels / A Beginning Word" fmr Broadcast member (Broadcast's Focus Group album was great too!) |
12'' EPs & 7'' Singles
DJ Ilya Monosov & The 21st Century Punks
- New Music 12'' (Holy Mountain) ♫ "Unnatural Ways" |
| Magas - Violent Arp (Punch Records) ♫ |
Lucky Dragons - Open Power 12'' (Teenage Teardrops) |
Zs - Music for the Modern White (Social Registry) | ||
Wooden Shjips - Contact / I Can Hear Vibrations (E-Z version) 12'' (Mexican Summer) |
| Jack Rose / Meg Baird / Kurt Vile / US Girls - Meet the Philly Elite 7'' (K-RAA-K)³ | |
Timmy’s Organism - Squeeze the Giant 2x7'' (Sacred Bones) ♫ "No Hassle" |
Bare Wires - "Let Down" 7" (Milk 'n' Herpes) ♫ "Let Down" | ||
Davila 666 - Pingorocha y la Diva Rockera 7'' (Douchemaster) ♫ "Me Va Muy Mal" |
Idle Times - Million Miles Away / Whatever Works For You 7'' (HoZac) ♫ "Million Miles Away" |
2 More Awesome Songs
Yo La Tengo song "Nothing to Hide" off of Popular Songs (listen)
Purling Hiss "Run From the City" (listen)
10 more favorite mp3s from the Free Music Archive (click on "i" for lots more info!) | Favorite live tracks from all 21 of the amazing artists who came by my radio show, Talk's Cheap (click on "i" for lots more info about the songs, artists, and more mp3s from each live session!) |
10 more favorite full albums from the Free Music Archive (aside from aforementioned Big Blood)
...there were many other awesome things I enjoyed this year but I can't go into them all right now. I'm detaching myself from the Internet feeding tube for a moment to go ring in the new year! Check the rest of the WFMU 2009 Lists here, and Free Music Archive lists here. See you in 20 10!
çok ilginç
Posted by: satılık arabalar | January 18, 2010 at 06:09 AM