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December 30, 2009



M'Boom, Hikima, and D. Safarrar are great finds.

Here's some shameless self-promotion.
New Music for the new year from aboombong

Afro-ambient Noise, experimental, out-free drone, meditative minimalism


As you know, I'm a fan of funky organ music, & thanks to your valuable service I recently obtained albums by Booker T & Jimmy Smith. One of my reader's choices is Phoem Khlaibanleng ~ "Thai Modernized Music for Dancing, Vol. 2"


I think this is the second time you've posted that Happy Ending Japanese album and its the same invalid link as last time. Anybody know of a link that actually works?


Same here on no Happy Ending. The file of 48 Mb or so downloaded, but there was no content, just an empty folder in the ZIP file. No joy.


Dumber name for a genre than "blue-eyed soul?" How about "intelligent dance music?"

Doug S

Weird. From my end, the download is active, operable and accessible. I checked all DLs before posting and I just did it again right now now and this link links, the download downloads and the zip file (rar) unzips. I dragged the mp3s right into my iTunes and the tracks played no problem.

For some reason, some are able to access this file and some aren't. Not sure why that is. I addressed this issue in the comments to Volume 33 of Mining the Audio Motherlode. Go here, then scroll down and read the comments.

Rockford John

Happy Ending plays fine for me too. It unpacks with a lot of errors for some reason, but plays fine. Maybe it is tagged with Japanese characters that winrar doesn't understand.


Thanks for checking things out and for pointing me to your earlier post, very worthwhile reading:

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