* White Magic's New Egypt was one
of the more exciting records I heard in 2009 -- effortless, with Mira
improvising vocals and yipping over a hazy, driving trance groove
that's like an Alicia Keyes locked groove on a turntable immersed in
* It was so odd reading
without ever seeing or intending to see the movie myself. The knowing
way they discussed the genital mutilations was especially weird.
* I haven't gotten to the bottom of Oneida's Rated O
yet -- not sure if it has a bottom, really. Three CDs of neo-prog
noise rock wherein our pseudonymous heroes reinvent the rock opera for
the post-Merzbow age.
Master Musicians of Bukkake, despite the unfortunate name, created
a working musical ritual for a nonexistent tribal religion on this
year's Totem One. In a darker direction, San Francisco's
Owl did something similar on
From Our Mouths, A Perpetual Light
last year.
* I rediscovered Brian Eno's
Taking Tiger Mountain at full volume on
the car stereo. I'll admit that I first heard Third Uncle via the
Bauhaus version, but rediscovering it this particular time made
Bauhaus's version unlistenable. The production on
Tiger Mountain is
absolute genius -- it's such its own

sound world that listening is
still fresh this many years later.
* In
44 Presidents, MZA
and Maria Sputnik perfectly capture the weirdness of the Facebook
profiles of each of the American Presidents.
* Anla Courtis, of Argentina's noise/psych rock band Reynols, and
Aaron Moore of Brooklyn's Volcano the Bear collaborated together on
the stunning assembled-by-mail record
Brokebox Juke.
Fractured spatters of improvisation somehow hang together into
surprisingly warm and engaging free explorations.
* Sublime Frequencies continues to bring out some of the greatest
"world music" around -- scrappy, dangerously compelling stuff like
Dabke 2020 by the Syrian madman
Souleyman (not to be confused with the
other, more
well-known Omar Suleiman), and the hot hot hot Treeg Salam from
Western Sahara's
Doueh. Proprietor Sir Richard Bishop's own latest,
of Araby ain't no laughing matter either (or is it? One can never
tell with SRB).

* Oh, I could go on (Bishop Perry Tillis's In Times Like These, Sunn
O))))'s Monoliths and Dimensions, the new RRR-1000 and WFMU Locked
Groove records, etc)...
Due to a miscommunication for most of the film Antichrist I expected Bjork to come and rescue Willem Dafoe. Finally I asked my friend "when is Bjork in this?"
Posted by: bartleby | December 28, 2009 at 08:02 PM
So you liked Antichrist? Whats with the picture.
Posted by: Me | December 30, 2009 at 12:09 AM
Car Alarm Install and remote starter installation. Car Alarms install a vast range of car alarms, audio gps navigation systems and security products throughout the USA.http://www.soundandalarm.com/car-alarms.asp
Posted by: Car Alarm Install | December 31, 2009 at 01:21 AM
I once took a walk in those foggy woods with blood all over my hands and shirt, too. I tended towards the middle of the frame, though, personally.
Posted by: Dan B | January 03, 2010 at 09:19 AM
Hey Dan !
Thanks again for 12 months of superb shows. Have a wonderful 2010.
Many greetings from El Runk !
Posted by: El Runk | January 05, 2010 at 05:21 PM