Who was that old homebum creepin' on your lady-friend with that strange mess of cardboard in his dirty wrinkled hands? Those grimy fingernails...
His name is Miroslav Tichý and yes, he was taking a picture of your girl with that rotting cardboard camera.
Lucky for New Yorkers, the International Center of Photography will be housing the first North American museum exhibition for his wonderful photographs. His actual handmade garbage cameras will be on display as well. The show runs from today through May 9th. More Info can be found here and here.
Meet you there.
Selected photos and a trailer from the documentary "Worldstar" are below in the post.
Looks great, thanks!
Posted by: WmMBerger | January 29, 2010 at 09:43 PM
Holy crap, the Moondog of photographers. Many thanks.
Posted by: Jrld | January 31, 2010 at 06:01 AM