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January 20, 2010



Some of my finds.

DIY minimalism

Odd but catchy

And of course, asynchronic by aboombong

Name is required.

Not your fault, of course - but everyone is tired of seeing:


You want to download the following file:

Unfortunately right now our servers are overloaded and we have no more download slots left for non-members. Of course you can also try again later.


Music blogs that use rapidshare need to start reconsidering.

Dave B

Too bad the "Tighten Up" collection is on a site with a bunch of JS Exploits. Fortunately McAfee stomped the would be evil doers...


Wow Sandra! Tennessee's talented even in obscurity.


How do you download the Willie Dixon?

Doug Schulkind

To snag the Willie Dixon, click on the five underlined asterisks appearing below the album's back cover art.

Sister Hairy Hymen

I heard Sandra Wright At a concert at a small club In Killington Vermont a few winters ago, I was blown away. thanks for the post.


WOW! Have you ever heard of Donnie and John Emersons Dreamin Wild album? Its one of the best things ive heard in a long time its described as if Shuggie Otis and Roy Orbinson had a baby together. I looked on Captains Crawl and couldnt find it, if you could find that you would be a golden god. This is all i could find of the album 3 songs.


Sister Hairy Hymen

Well I have been trying to download the sandra wright album for the last few days but I can not as I keep getting Error blah blah blah. I would love to sign up for rapid share however I am afraid of using a "reseller" IS there a way I can just use my credit card and pay for it?

Doug Schulkind

Apologies for the messed-up Sandra Wright link. I have switched to a new blog and link for that album. The "Wounded Woman" LP should now be accessible. Give it another try, above.


A rapidshare link is always a dead link.Don't waste your time.

Sister Hairy Hymen

Thank You for the change! I got it. Its not your fault that the link didnt work, I found a way to to join rapid share w/o giving my credit card over the net. So all will be good in a few days.
Thanks again!

loaded down

Boy Doug I sure feel your pain here. These damn kids cant figure out nothing about these Intertubes:

If you use a better browser and the correct plug-ins your Macafee scary internet advisor will not go off. There is nothing bad on the Jamboree website.

You think Uncle Gils site is hard for finding links? I go to some places and you have to search for the right *letter* in a random word to find the link. That keeps the kiddies guessing.

And if you are too cheap to pony up for a month's worth of Rapidshare does not make you a fucking genius. Every other month I do get one - I use Paypal for all you chickens out there. In the course of those thirty of so days I probably acquire more stuff that you have on your whole lil' ipod. And lastly, if you know anything about Rapidshare: their history, their massive storage capacity and their staggering audience size, you will come to see that coincidentally their US download restriction times roughly correspond to our daytime business day hours. So kids, you gotta do this on your OWN time I suppose.


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