Years ago I first came in contact with the Radon label via my pal Marlon, hearing a live set by Italian avant-rock composer Daniele Brusachetto, learning about his fellow countrymen OvO and then finally being sent a pile of CDs (mostly samplers) from the transient Radon head Scott Nydegger coupled with frequent correspondences enthusiastically talking about the state of experimental music made us fast friends. As I got familiar with the many facets of this label, Scott made sure that I was introduced to everyone in his orbit, and what really impressed me most is that Radon dealt with its business and artists unlike few others. Everyone was scattered around the world, because Scott just floated around meeting people and putting the music out from wherever he was (as opposed to working out of an office and dealing with the biz); anyone who shared the vision was invited in and were all friends. Fractured breakcore from Ripit, industrial tubthumping from Sikhara (Scott's outfit), introspective psychedelic drone from Fabrizio Polumbo under the name (r), and glorious ascensions from Steve Mackay (saxman then and now for Iggy and the Stooges) all intermingled under the Radon umbrella. Through the years quite a few units of the stable has landed in the WFMU studios on various shows; Mackay put out an LP backed by some heavyweight improvisers on Qbico called Tunnel Diner culled from sessions on my show and Acapulco Rodriguez's as well (some MP3's here). Koonda Holaa, aka Kamilsky, is an eccentric Czech ex-pat who holed up for years in the high Mojave and also visited FMU (check him out on the Free Music Archive, he's terrific) and actually landed surreal opening slot for the Stooges in Moscow a few years back. Now, Radon takes a break, but to celebrate a good decade, Scott invited me down to Jason LaFarge's Seizures Palace studio in Brooklyn (in the cavernous Gowanus space where Martin Bisi also made all those great Lydia Lunch, Sonic Youth and Swans records) and we recorded a full on American/Portuguese summit jam of Sikhara, HHY & Drums of Habnom and United Scum Soundclash. It's a gorgeous, free-flowing hour of microscopic sounds, Neubauten-esque tribal percussion blowouts, scabby sampling and a simple celebration of the joy of free sound in a gigantic room. I aired the program on December 29th, but you can grab this session below. Please also boogie over to the Free Music Archive's Radon offerings. Much excellence to be found. Somewhat saddened to hear of the label's hiatus, but other imprints like Soopa and Urck seem to be picking up some of the slack with a similar level of vision and social circles.
Radon is one of the most polluting internet community in France.Breakcore publicity, hacking and drug spreading is absolutly a super glue!Since ten years!beurk!
Posted by: anne | January 13, 2010 at 05:08 AM
Since 10 years I've seen the impact of the "massive" invasion of ravers in: experimental music, green politic, country..As a tribal secret society (because of massive drug selling and taking, and so the business which comes along..) they have codes and double language.We can speak about a strong tribal organisation now over creation, politic, media..ect..
They are also support in their ritual codes by french art contemporary:
(a guy from Art Press)
and now internationally.
Since the massive invasion of ravers I had to quit:
my dealing job (machism in ritualist tribal rave!and insecurity in the place i worked..Connections with Ripit)
a job in the country (drug spread during my job and psychotic reactions of one of a old raver..)and have had menaces from a junk (a special conversation between junks about my "case")Connections with an organiser of Koonda Honla live in the village where i live..
well, I was reading "l'homme sans tĂȘte" from Sergio Gonzales Rodriguez one month ago because i was making nightmares about heads cut because of the Warum Net Experience shows and bloody graphics (Tzii connections....).
Definitely we, intellectuals WITH heads, can't support too much violence..
Posted by: anne | January 13, 2010 at 05:41 AM
Hmm, am not sure what you're getting at Anne, but I've been over at Steve Mackay's house and he's never shown me any headless pictures.
Posted by: Brian Turner | January 13, 2010 at 10:15 AM
thanks for not censuring my post and answering even if I do not ask for visiting the house of steve mackay ;) who is more involved in experimental culture than others who play sometimes with him and much more involved in massive breakcore scene.This mixed culture could be a good thing for the music if there was also some not junk addicted (as straight people in punk hardcore scene by exemple)in breakcore people.Balance you know..Because some experimental places became violent and machist since the mix of the culture..and there are not so many experimental places..
thanks anyway I do like your radio and support it
but also Mexican land is horrific and I do regret the peacefull exotic experimental places as there was in 1997..
Posted by: anne | January 13, 2010 at 12:38 PM
nice to meet you anne and thanks a lot for your kind words.
Posted by: Tzii | January 16, 2010 at 09:56 AM
"Definitely we, intellectuals WITH heads, can't support too much violence.."
i think this is my fave part.
Posted by: Ripit | January 16, 2010 at 09:57 AM
Well you are a person guided by magic (that's what you say) so ..not intellectual, well YB70 people are not really headed...ah ah I KNOW!
Don't tell me anything now it is stupid, OVER! you could answer on Warum Net Experience and let some space...for the girls who were not fetichists masochists or mother in magical law-...And as a matter of fact I am free :)
Go on ! As long you don't censure as an administrator...(you are often admins isn't it?)
We definitely doesn't have the same sense of freedom!I think you suck!and you deal everywhere your stupid raves (past this is past..)
Posted by: anne | January 17, 2010 at 02:25 PM
Posted by: anne | January 17, 2010 at 03:00 PM
I'm glad you, intellectual(s) have a head... but you should consider put it in order, before posting rubbish.
Posted by: Ripit | January 18, 2010 at 07:16 AM
this is more a V-atak propaganda
Enjoy !
Posted by: Ripit | January 18, 2010 at 07:27 AM