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« Songs The A-Bones Taught Us Pt. 2 | Main | African Banquet »

February 16, 2010



I just love em, your blog tooo


Haw, haw, haw ...... hi-larious! Can't wait to show this to the guys in MY band: A MOUTHFUL OF DOG URINE SPIT IN THE FACE OF THE POPE!
It'll slay 'em, it will, it will!

Vic Perry

In the 70s there was a nice variation of "Who's on first" with an imaginary rock festival featuring the following bands:

Guess Who


Suzy is a headbanger. Sheena is a punk rocker.

Jim Teacher


Listener Greg G.

> In the 70s there was a nice variation of "Who's on first" with an imaginary rock festival....

I should keep in mind that it's a good idea to be careful about what I search for because in looking around for the routine referenced above led to this discovery. (Dick Van Patten and Adam Rich.......)

Miles dougal

Lonnie irving rules!

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