"Washington humor takes many different directions. Sometimes the razor-sharp quip can puncture an unsound argument or cut through to the heart of a complicated issue. Sometimes, humor is the means by which a candidate charms and attracts voters to his camp. And sometimes, humor is used for no other purpose than to make people laugh...even when the humorist himself is the butt of the joke. Listen carefully and you'll hear all three types on this disc."
Today we have as evidence the first side of Cameo 1044, hosted by Chet Huntley; one of the select but large club of records with a big smilin' JFK head on it. With a lovely high-gloss coating on it, too, yumm. I like the idea of going right to the source for comedy, as opposed to using actors to portray 'Kennedys' or other characters, here's a laff record with the real deal.
Here is a larger repro of the front and back cover, and here are the mp3s: Sargent Shriver Brooks Hays Barry Goldwater President Kennedy Adlai Stevenson
I was pleasantly surprised to hear JFK quote Lord Dunsany. He is one of my favorite authors and I had just been reading some of his stories. It's not much of a quote, but the coincidence of it amazed me. The Gods would have been amused.
Posted by: Pegana | February 21, 2010 at 01:30 PM