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« Merigail Moreland - Circa 1980 | Main | T, H & D - Suite: Castle Blue Eyes; Towering Heroic Dudes live on WFMU's My Castle of Quiet, 17thFeb2010 »

February 22, 2010


Brian Turner

great track!

acekard ds

'Run Old Jeremiah' is very great track and I like it most because it is just like divine feels in music.You just touch my heart from this subject today!

Doug Schulkind

Powerhouse! Nice way to get things rolling, Jason. Great to have you on the blogsled team.

ben jove

much uv this whole 'document' is just staggeringly benevolent. dig turner junior johnson's minimal gospel solos for harmonica & gravely voice, silent grove baptists w/ bozie, acapella duet by em rev martin w/ ladyfriend & the church uv god in christ killin 'i gots a hidin place' in unbridled pentecostal ecstacy, holy moley! plus allah dem austin coleman joints to boot. defintely ranks waaay up there w/ streetcorner gospel, gospel classics vol 2 & country gospel as the finest in document holiness comps. utterly essential in every way & about thyme somebuddy recognized. the good word is bond.


Thanks for the post...

Staggeringly precious stuff! These artists really needed song- much like the well known

I think you can tell these are amongst the most potent and important documents that have ever existed.


Talk about proto-punk...


Lomax also found this in Louisiana. Listen to 'Feel like dying in his army' and 'Rockaway' on 'Cajun and Creole Music, Vol. 2: 1934/1937.' Francophone Louisiana Creoles called this 'jure.' Lynn August is a modern musician who's recorded jure's on 'Sauce Piquante.'

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