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February 26, 2010



With all the trees down all over the place, many in more dangerous situations, it was wise for the railroad just to keep the passengers on the stuck train and wait until their trees could be cleared. Safe, warm, toilets...


it's like that movie sunshine...


If it were possible that catenary lines were down I can see why they would hold people on the train that long. I've seen those things arc. There aren't enough dryer sheets in all of Port Jervis to insure safety under such conditions.


The train also had a severed hydraulic line. Took hours for a mechanic to get there with weather and road conditions what they were. Then the fire department had to get a backhoe there to clean out a path for people to walk off the train. Unless those passengers were heart surgeons they should have stayed home. It's not like the storm was a surprise.

Listener Jormungand

Don't you mean Fimbulvetr?

Lepidus vir

I sat on an Amtrak train south of Trenton for 4 hours without lights or heat on a Saturday night a couple of weeks ago. A NJ transit train on our track had caught fire and the fire department cut power to our track. There seemed to be no contingency plans for such an event because the crew tried several different strategies before an engineer showed up and had us towed to the nearest station. It took me 7 hours to get from Philly to New York. Nothing surprises me anymore. I refuse to believe this kind of thing would happen in Japan or Germany or Korea or France. America seems like a banana republic.


It's not like the train disappeared into a vortex of time and space. It's just that the weather prevented anyone from getting to it. And it was snowing really hard. I lost a lot of TV channels off my antenna, so cell service might have been compromised.

As far as the bus is concerned, that does seem weird. You'd think they'd have some kind of GPS or Lojack system so someone could track flow of the bus route.


It's just that the weather prevented anyone from getting to it. And it was snowing really hard. I lost a lot of TV channels off my antenna, so cell service might have been compromised. vibram five fingers

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