I love depictions of the beatnik lifestyle in popular culture of the fifties and sixties. Hilarious bastardizations appeared everywhere, in comic books, pulp paperbacks, LP covers, comedy sketches, film scenes, radio comedies and on down the line. That's why you should revisit the great website Like, Dreamsville and that's also why you should watch this fun Paramount cartoon from 1960.
I love any crappy representation of counterculture (geez! Do we even have one of those, nowadays?) in mainstream media, be it beatnik, then hippie, and finally punk. I love (although it irritated me at the time) bad, 70's representations of punk, like that Jughead Goes Punk issue, Quincy, CHIPS, etc. I don't know if anyone ever did shitty takes on Grunge, but I imagine they did. The counterculture gets assimilated so rapidly by the herd these days, so it may not have weathered the cycle long enough.
Hard to say.
Posted by: DJ ManRich | February 21, 2010 at 07:33 PM
How many beatniks were really around during the fifties? Were cartoonists disproportionatley exposed to them?
Posted by: Dave | February 22, 2010 at 10:50 AM
the beatniks on the 1960 Spiderman cartoon where the best
Posted by: www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1203729518 | February 22, 2010 at 09:46 PM