Finally...the St. Louis Metro Evening Whirl has an Internet presence! But that isn't why I'm posting.
Two comments left on this post from April of 2008 are unmitigated classics and I sure wish more concerned mothers who have run-ins with the police or family members in the slammer--which reminds me...Arizona has a crime newspaper, too, called The Slammer--would leave more hysterically verbose comments. Please--keep 'em comin!:
Commenter Amelda Walton: I am a strong black single mother of two whom does whatever for my children to make sure they be great citizens in society. I have a 9 year old son who has been assaulting his teachers and peers at school. He has been suspended from school 5 times in the month of October. He bangs his head up against wall for attention. My son has sent a little girl to the hospital as well as pushed a little boy in the nose. He constantly runs away, I think just about every city cop on the Southside of St. Louis has had encounter with him. He cusses me out and has fought me several times. He is under a psychartic,a therapist, department of mental health, children's divison and no one seems to know what to do with him. Not mention there has never been any real physical abuse but I was accused of abuse when he had belt marks on his bottom. The skin was not broken. He has a dead beat father! They say he needs a father, so if anybody no where I can buy a father let me know! Because I don't won't NO man that likes little boys or girls around my children or no drugdealer or no woman BEATER! Not to mention he smears poop and urinates all over my apartment!Yes! he just whips it out. The state of Missouri says no spanking your child, I think this is exactly what he needs a down south big momma spanking, St. Louis what do you think? Oh, I forgot he has been in child mental institutions over 15 times! Now, I figure they don't want me to spank my son because this is another black man growing up diagnosis with ADHD who is ends up going to juve later and then to the pen or in the grave regardless if he ends up in the pen for murdering someone the state gets $10,000 a day for a prisoner, Why do my son have to be that prisoner? I fear the worst already and because I have been in every program that I possibly can enroll in for my child they are waiting on me to hurt my son and I be faced with prison time or if I hold on long enough, he will be faced with prison, What do you think?
Commenter Patrice Tisdale: I was tased on October 21, 2008 and submitted a complaint the following day. I submitted that complaint to the trusted department (IAD) Bureau of Professional Responsibility. I was denied access to the police report up until I received a summons which stated I interfered with an officer not a police investigation. After reading the summons and police report they both concur that I was tased as of a result of pushing on two St. Louis County police officers repeatedly. But during my trail the two officers testified under oath that I did not do what I was alleged of doing. So please explain to me how they can go unpunished for tasing me while embracing my brother who was brutally attacked. If they can fabricate my allegedly pushing them how far can they go. How is this behavior excused by any persons let alone a Law Enforcement Officer? How does this help to maintain my safety or the public safety when an officer(s) are allowed to create reports of this magnitude and strip away my lively hood (private security armed officer) and nothing absolutely nothing be done about this.
YES, the court found me guilty by amending the circumstances to
interfering by grabbing my brother and throwing our I was pushing the
two officer however it still stands for me that on October I was
unjustly tased, hand cuffed, dragged, thrown into the front seat of a
police car, detained with informing me as to what crime I had
committed. I was never arrested, giving a summons (until April 2009),
offered medical care or read my Miranda rights. What kind of message does this send when any Law Enforcement officer
behave in this manner. I should not be told by the secretary of the
Police Chief office to contact the FBI, get a lawyer, sue or even
disconnected. If Her behavior is any indication as to why these
officers involved in this matter is why my complaint has not being
handled in a non prejudice manner I clearly understand but will not
accept it. I don't know if any of you have ever been tased but it hurts like
hell, its humiliating, then hand cuffed, drugged and placed in the
front seat of a police unit with the cuffs so tight it swells your
risks and the prongs still launched withing your back well the episode
still today hurts and is painful. Somebody do something let your officers no this is not tolerated not in with any US Law Enforcement Agency. This destroys public faith it does not build it.
After reading this: Division of Personnel
The Division of Personnel is responsible for administering the St. Louis County Merit System under Article VII of the County Charter. Mission Statement Provide our internal and external customers with quality service and supportFoster proactive change and innovation
Demonstrate values to ensure consistent and equitable treatment of our employees
The Division supports the human resource needs of all County departments. It serves to: Recruit a competent work force
Encourage growth and professional development through training programs
Administer County employee health and benefit programs
Represent the County in Employee and Labor Relations
Develop effective classification and compensation programs
I want everyone to know what happened to me and that it can happen to them or a love one without any recourse on a officer.
Sincerely DisappointedYou might be sincerely disappointed. But I'm sincerely pleased.
What RAQUEL REED said.
Posted by: Steve Barton, Listener #14366 | February 14, 2010 at 01:49 PM
Here's my new favorite DFW commenter. Meet furry
furry play's devil's advocate in Loved ones of school bus victim grieve, seek answers & takes it to another level in Grand Prairie man convicted...
"It's disgusting to think that this man capitalized on these girls."
Now some furry poetry
In honor of the assault victims listed here, un-named, who will read this report over and over in their minds and link it to their emails and go back and read it again years later, in honor of you and all assault victims who are helplessly drawn to stories like these, I invite you to join my facebook group called "Not Ashamed- Speak Out"
And I dedicate one of my discussion group poetry entries to you.
... called "If Sex Equals Power"
IF SEX EQUALS POWER- (in honor of victims)
"Sex equals power. Women who possess sex, possess power. Women who show it off in Hollywood, highly paid actresses in Hollywood. And singers,too.
Singers these days aren't even considered legit anymore unless they strip to a teddy and dance their sex away.
And oh, how much society will pay for women's sex. So, so much.
Which makes it even more clear what a monumental robbery, to steal sex from a woman, to rob her of her right to use this power to her advantage. To render her powerless.
Today consider, when looking at grocery store magazines, where would those people get paid from if sex didn't equal money/power. Where would the ladies with the beautiful cleavages on the covers of the magazine, how would they get paid if sex didn't give them a right to money. How would they pay for their homes and their cars.
And how much more valuable a wife is to be able to provide sex to her husband.
And then someone takes it away. Like a hundred thousand dollars.
Or maybe the sanctity that bids its right unto the husband is priceless.
And to come between.
And maybe every woman has a little piece of heaven in them to offer to their husband, (if not now then whenever they're married),
and to grab that from a woman,
throw it on the ground and stop on it
devalue her sex price to $0
less than
If sex equals power
Then rape is highway robbery
Posted by: Doug in DFW | February 19, 2010 at 05:50 AM
Oh, THAT is just BOSS, Doug...THANK YOU!!!!
Posted by: Listener Coolie | February 20, 2010 at 03:17 PM
Posted by: Tolga | February 21, 2010 at 06:27 AM
Very nice.
Posted by: Haber | March 02, 2010 at 03:52 AM